[Python-Dev] Cookie.py security

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@beopen.com
Thu, 31 Aug 2000 11:56:20 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "NS" == Neil Schemenauer <nascheme@enme.ucalgary.ca> writes:

  NS> On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 09:21:23PM -0400, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
  >> I would guess that pickle makes attacks easier: It has more
  >> features, e.g. creating instances of arbitrary classes (provided
  >> that the attacker knows what classes are available).

  NS> marshal can handle code objects.  That seems pretty scary to me.
  NS> I would vote for not including these unsecure classes in the
  NS> standard distribution.  Software that expects them should
  NS> include their own version of Cookie.py or be fixed.

If a server is going to use cookies that contain marshal or pickle
data, they ought to be encrypted or protected by a secure hash.
