[Python-Dev] Adding library modules to the core

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 00:52:20 -0400

> ...
> Nothing has ever been accepted into Python before the code
> was written and shown.

C'mon, admit it:  you were sooooo appalled by the thread that lead to the
creation of tabnanny.py that you decided at once it would end up in the
distribution, just so you could justify skipping all the dozens of tedious
long messages in which The Community developed The General Theory of
Tab-Space Equivalence ab initio.  It was just too much of a
stupid-yet-difficult hack to resist <wink>.

> ...
> I want Python to keep its typical Guido-flavored style,

So do most of us, most of the time.  Paradoxically, it may be easier to
stick to that as Python's popularity zooms beyond the point where it's even
*conceivable* "votes" make any sense.

> and (apart from the occasional succesful channeling by TP) there's
> only one way to do that: let me be the final arbiter.

Well, there's only one *obvious* way to do it.  That's what keeps it

> I'm willing to be the bottleneck, it gives Python the typical slow-
> flowing evolution that has served it well over the past ten years.

Except presumably for 2.0, where we decided at the last second to change
large patches from "postponed" to "gotta have it".  Consistency is the
hobgoblin ...

but-that's-pythonic-too-ly y'rs  - tim