[Python-Dev] Stackless Python - Pros and Cons

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 10:20:50 -0400

Jeremy wrote:

> >>>>> "CT" == Christian Tismer <tismer@appliedbiometrics.com>
> >>>>> writes:
>   >> If someone is going to write a PEP, I hope they will explain
>   how >> the implementation deals with the various Python C API
>   calls that >> can call back into Python.
>   CT> He will.
> Good!  You'll write a PEP.

Actually, "He" is me. While I speak terrible German, my 
Tismerish is pretty good (Tismerish to English is a *huge* 
jump <wink>).

But I can't figure out what the h*ll is being PEPed. We know 
that continuations / coroutines / generators have great value. 
We know that stackless is not continuations; it's some mods 
(mostly to ceval.c) that enables continuation.c. But the 
questions you're asking (after protesting that you want a 
formal spec, not a reference implementation) are all about 
Christian's implementation of continuation.c. (Well, OK, it's 
whether the stackless mods are enough to allow a perfect 
continuations implementation.)

Assuming that stackless can get along with GC, ceval.c and 
grammar changes (or Christian can make it so), it seems to 
me the PEPable issue is whether the value this can add is 
worth the price of a less linear implementation.

still-a-no-brainer-to-me-ly y'rs

- Gordon