[Python-Dev] InfoWorld July 17 looks at Zope and Python

James C. Ahlstrom jim@interet.com
Tue, 01 Aug 2000 09:28:40 -0400

Paul Prescod wrote:
> Would you mind giving me the jist of the review? 20-word summary, if you
> don't mind.

Please note that I don't necessarily agree with the
reviews.  Also, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Page 50: "Zope is a powerful application server.  Version
2.2 beta scales well, but enterprise capability, Python
language raise costs beyond the competition's."

Author claims he must purchase ZEO for $25-50K which is
too expensive.  Zope is dedicated to OOP, but shops not
doing OOP will have problems understanding it.  Python
expertise is necessary, but shops already know VB, C++ and

Page 58:  "After many tutorials, I'm still waiting to
become a Zope addict."

Zope is based on Python, but that is no problem because
you do most programming in DTML which is like HTML.  It is
hard to get started in Zope because of lack of documentation,
it is hard to write code in browser text box, OOP-to-the-max
philosophy is unlike a familiar relational data base.
Zope has an unnecessarily high nerd factor.  It fails to
automate simple tasks.

My point in all this is that we design features to
appeal to computer scientists instead of "normal users".
