[Python-Dev] Re: Path hacking

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:00:41 -0400

Hmm, I'm suspicious of the fact that no message from Barry 
Warsaw ever gets "lost".

Stalin got started by being in charge of the Kremlin's 
telephone system, you know...

> >>>>> "Gordo" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm@hypernet.com> writes:
>     Gordo> Jim Ahlstrom wtoe:
>     >> "Guido van Rossum" wrote:
>     >> --> The solution:
>     Gordo> Did the dev-list miss something? The last I see is
>     Barry's Gordo> post.
> I have a suspicion that python.org lost some email yesterday.
> We had a period of time where mail simply stopped getting
> delivered (thank you Solaris patch manager) and it took me a
> little while to realize that things weren't working correctly. 
> Since there's nothing unexpected in the mail queue now, all I can
> say is that if you didn't get it by now, you ain't gonna.
> However, everything seemed to make it into the archives, so
> Guido's message is available at:
> http://www.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/1999-September/000880.
> html
> -Barry
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- Gordon