[Python-Dev] Internationalization Toolkit

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:10:09 +1100

> Mark Hammond wrote:
> > Having a fixed, default encoding may make life slightly
> more difficult
> > when you want to work primarily in a different encoding,
> but at least
> > your system is predictable and reliable.
> I think the discussion on this is getting a little too hot.

Really - I see it as moving to a rational consensus that doesnt
support the proposal in this regard.  I see no heat in it at all.  Im
sorry if you saw my post or any of the followups as "emotional", but I
certainly not getting passionate about this.  I dont see any of this
as affecting me personally.  I believe that I can replace my Unicode
implementation with this either way we go.  Just because a we are
trying to get it right doesnt mean we are getting heated.

> The point
> is simply that the option of changing the per-thread default
> is there. You are not required to use it and if you do you are on
> your own when something breaks.

Hrm - Im having serious trouble following your logic here.  If make
_any_ assumptions about a default encoding, I am in danger of
breaking.  I may not choose to change the default, but as soon as
_anyone_ does, unrelated code may break.

I agree that I will be "on my own", but I wont necessarily have been
the one that changed it :-(

The only answer I can see is, as you suggest, to ignore the fact that
there is _any_ default.  Always specify the encoding.  But obviously
this is not good enough for HP:

> Think of it as a HP specific feature... perhaps I should wrap the
> in #ifdefs and leave it undocumented.

That would work - just ensure that no standard Python has those
#ifdefs turned on :-)  I would be sorely dissapointed if the fact that
HP are throwing money for this means they get every whim implemented
in the core language.  Imagine the outcry if it were instead MS'
money, and you were attempting to put an MS spin on all this.

Are you writing a module for HP, or writing a module for Python that
HP are assisting by providing some funding?  Clear difference.  IMO,
it must also be seen that there is a clear difference.

Maybe Im missing something.  Can you explain why it is good enough
everyone else to be required to assume there is no default encoding,
but HP get their thread specific global?  Are their requirements
greater than anyone elses?  Is everyone else not as important?  What
would you, as a consultant, recommend to people who arent HP, but have
a similar requirement?  It would seem obvious to me that HPs
requirement can be met in "pure Python", thereby keeping this out of
the core all together...
