[Python-Dev] Why Foo is better than Baz

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Mon May 3 16:01:10 CEST 1999

scriptics is positioning tcl as a perl killer:


afaict, unicode and event handling are the two
main thingies missing from python 1.5.

-- unicode: is on its way.

-- event handling: asynclib/asynchat provides an
awesome framework for event-driven socket pro-
gramming.  however, Python still lacks good cross-
platform support for event-driven access to files
and pipes.  are threads good enough, or would it
be cool to have something similar to Tcl's fileevent
stuff in Python?

-- regexps: has anyone compared the new uni-
code-aware regexp package in Tcl with pcre?



btw, the rebol folks have reached 2.0:

maybe 1.6 should be renamed to Python 6.0?

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