[Python-de] 4-year Open Science Jupyter developer research software engineer post in Hamburg (deadline: 2 December 2018)

Hans Fangohr hans.fangohr at xfel.eu
Mi Nov 14 11:02:05 EST 2018

Dear all,

There is a post open in the data analysis group at the European XFEL in Germany [0]: It is a 4-year position, to push ahead the use of the Jupyter ecosystem tools for computational and data science, in particular data analysis of big data at research facilities, such as the European XFEL. Python is the central language used here. We will develop new methods and infrastructures to support reproducible and open science. The work language is English.

Please find the details at https://fangohr.github.io/vacancies.html#software-engineer-f-m-open-science-cloud-developer <https://fangohr.github.io/vacancies.html#software-engineer-f-m-open-science-cloud-developer> 
and get in touch if you have any questions about the project, the setting, the project partners, the staff involved, the pay, the atmosphere, the science, etc.

The position is part of the 4-year EC-funded PaNOSC (Photon And Neutron Open Science Cloud) project [1]. The project will be working towards the European Open Science Cloud [2].

This is a research software engineering (RSE) position, in that it combines software with science applications. Applications from scientists/engineers with strong software interest are similarly welcome as those of others with a background in software and interest in science.

Application deadline: 2 December 2018. Please share with others who may be interested, and get in touch with questions etc.

Best wishes,


[0] https://xfel.eu <https://xfel.eu/> 
[1] http://panosc-eu.github.io <http://panosc-eu.github.io/>
[2] https://fangohr.github.io/blog/towards-the-european-open-science-cloud.html <https://fangohr.github.io/blog/towards-the-european-open-science-cloud.html>

Prof Hans Fangohr
Senior Data Analysis Scientist
European XFEL GmbH 
Holzkoppel 4
22869 Schenefeld

Phone:+49 (0)40 8998-6702
Fax: +49 (0)40 8998-1905
Email: hans.fangohr at xfel.eu <mailto:hans.fangohr at xfel.eu> 
web: http://www.xfel.eu <http://www.xfel.eu/>
web: http://fangohr.github.io <http://fangohr.github.io/>
Twitter: @ProfCompMod 

Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Robert Feidenhans’l, Dr. Nicole Elleuche

Registered as European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH at Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 111165

Professor of Computational Modelling 
University of Southampton
Southampton, SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom
fangohr at soton.ac.uk <mailto:fangohr at soton.ac.uk>

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