[Python-de] Ankündigung: 8-Day Python Power Course in Leipzig/Germany

Mike Müller mmueller at python-academy.de
Mo Feb 7 17:39:35 CET 2011

Hallo allerseits,

Im Mai gibt es einen besonderen Pythonkurs: acht Tage
Python satt.

Da die Kurs-Sprache Englisch sein wird hier nun auch
die Ankündigung auf Englisch.

Eight Days of Python Training

Can't get enough of Python? Then this course is for you.
A three day introduction to Python as a warm-up, followed by five
days of advanced Python training. All courses given in English.

May 13 - 15, 2011      Python for Programmers
May 16 - 20, 2011      Python Power Course
    May 16, 2011           Advanced Python Programming
    May 17, 2011           Optimizing Python Programs
    May 18, 2011           Python Extensions with Other Languages
    May 19, 2011           Fast Code with the Cython Compiler
    May 20, 2011           High Performance XML with Python

Venue: Python Academy, Leipzig, Germany
Trainers: Mike Müller, Stefan Behnel

About the Trainers

Mike Müller, Ph.D has been teaching Python since 2004. He is the
founder of Python Academy and regularly gives open and in-house
Python courses as well as tutorials at PyCon US, OSCON, EuroSciPy
and PyCon Asia-Pacific.

Stefan Behnel, Ph.D is Senior Software Developer at Senacor Technologies AG
as well as freelance consultant and software developer specializing
in Python and Open Source. He is core developer of both the Cython compiler
and the lxml XML toolkit.

More Information


mmueller at python-academy.de

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