[Python-cuba] Greetings from El Cubo di Cuba... (sharing locale) / i18n

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 22:15:37 CEST 2015

... which is as close as I get to Cuba these days.

Just wanted to share local color from my zip code area 97214, called Asylum
District in local talk because Dr. Hawthorne ran Oregon's first state
mental hospital on contract from Salem (capital city) long ago.  Hawthorne
District is the more formal name.

The Hawthorne Street Fair provides the context for the included photo, of
me, Kirby, by "Deke the Geek" one the top ten most followed Tweeters in
Portland these days (if that matters -- getting that many followers takes
dedication I think).


https://flic.kr/p/xm9jme  (in Cuban restaurant)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/kirbyurner/albums/72157657291527786  (whole

Question for Steve Holden (another subscriber here and former District
resident):  is this the magician you hired for DjangoCon that time?  He was
really good, as was this guy.  Recognize him?   https://flic.kr/p/xqGczy

I encourage locale-sharing as a good exercise in international meetups
(sync and async both).

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