[python-crypto] Securely wiping cryptographic secrets in Python

desnacked at riseup.net desnacked at riseup.net
Sun Feb 3 17:59:41 CET 2013

> Hi,
> Le dimanche 03 février 2013 à 08:21 -0800, desnacked at riseup.net a
> écrit :
>> if I have a Python program that uses sensitive cryptographic material,
>> is
>> there a way to securely wipe them from memory after use?
>> In C, this is usually done by (_carefully_) overwriting the array where
>> the secrets are stored. Is this possible to do in Python? I bet that if
>> I
>> try to overwrite a string in Python, there is absolutely no guarantee
>> that
>> the previous value of that string won't be copied somewhere else
>> beforehand. What happens if I use a lower level structure, like a
>> bytearray? Is that property of bytearrays guaranteed somewhere in the
>> Python spec?
> Python (or at least *CPython*, the reference implementation) doesn't
> copy data without you asking. However, you are right that neither does
> it try to securely wipe data after a memory block is deallocated.
> Without modifying Python, you could indeed use a bytearray and overwrite
> the bytearray's contents when you are done. Be careful to do it without
> changing the bytearray's size, otherwise the internal buffer might be
> reallocated and the old contents be left untouched somewhere in memory.
> Also, be aware that any conversion from bytes to bytearray, or from
> bytearray to bytes, will also copy data around. So will many other
> operations such as slicing. Therefore, if your cryptography is written
> in Python, chances are that parts of your data will be duplicated around
> at some point.

Thanks for the answer!

Hm, I see. That's approximately the answer I got from other Python-savvy
people too.

Is there a chance that the Python project could publish an article with
guidelines on how to treat bytearrays to _guarantee_ that no data leaking
will occur? It's reassuring to hear the above from you, but it would be
even better to have a paragraph on this matter on the Python

This way, applications using crypto and crypto libraries will know how to
setup their APIs and internal functions to allow cryptographic secret

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