[python-crypto] ANN: PyCrypto 2.5 released

Dwayne C. Litzenberger dlitz at dlitz.net
Fri Jan 13 18:47:04 CET 2012

PyCrypto 2.5 has been released!

You can download this release from http://www.pycrypto.org/.  It has the 
following SHA256 sums:

e950a78184e2a7defccf5d45e0c29c1e9edeb29984433f0d110a21e9631e38de *pycrypto-2.5.tar.gz
d3cf51da0a4536083d3cbac90408411b4373c86a651521ef849178a30ba7d8d1 *pycrypto-2.5.tar.gz.asc

The git repository is here: https://github.com/dlitz/pycrypto/
The v2.5 commit id is: 3245543c8d6e4af046c216b7cb550c632260b31d

Please test it and post your experiences to the PyCrypto mailing list:

    pycrypto at lists.dlitz.net

and/or file bug reports on Launchpad:


Here is the changelog:

   * Added PKCS#1 encryption schemes (v1.5 and OAEP).  We now have
     a decent, easy-to-use non-textbook RSA implementation.  Yay!

   * Added PKCS#1 signature schemes (v1.5 and PSS). v1.5 required some
     extensive changes to Hash modules to contain the algorithm specific
     ASN.1 OID. To that end, we now always have a (thin) Python module to
     hide the one in pure C.

   * Added 2 standard Key Derivation Functions (PBKDF1 and PBKDF2).

   * Added export/import of RSA keys in OpenSSH and PKCS#8 formats.

   * Added password-protected export/import of RSA keys (one old method
     for PKCS#8 PEM only).

   * Added ability to generate RSA key pairs with configurable public
     exponent e.

   * Added ability to construct an RSA key pair even if only the private
     exponent d is known, and not p and q.

   * Added SHA-2 C source code (fully from Lorenz Quack).

   * Unit tests for all the above.

   * Updates to documentation (both inline and in Doc/pycrypt.rst)

   * All of the above changes were put together by Legrandin (Thanks!)

   * Minor bug fixes (setup.py and tests).

Thanks to everyone who helped make this release possible, especially to
Legrandin, who did most of the work.

- Dwayne

Dwayne C. Litzenberger <dlitz at dlitz.net>
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