[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Some issues with M2Crypto 0.18 and timeouts

Heikki Toivonen heikki at OSAFOUNDATION.ORG
Mon Sep 24 19:26:19 CEST 2007

Jesus Cea wrote:
> Heikki Toivonen wrote:
>>> There is currently no simple API to do server-side timeouts.
> Thank you for the pointers, Heikki. I thought that SSL support would be
> simple socket implementation replacement, but timeout limitations would
> demand to implement a lot of code in my application.
> I feel this issue is fairly known and there is requests to solve it. Do
> you have any timeframe?. Seems a showstop...

You are the second or third person to ask about it in M2Crypto in the
past 4 years, so it is not *that* frequent a request. I suspect most
people use something more robust than plain M2Crypto for a server
application (like Apache or Twisted). Client side is a different thing,
of course.

I don't have a timeframe for the issue at the moment. I am mostly a
client side developer, so I rely mostly on other people to work on
server issues. If you really want this simple solution, I'd advice first
trying the patch in the bug I pointed out, and seeing how it works. If
it does everything you need, reliably, I could consider applying the patch.

> I'm a bit worried also with memory leaks, since I'm using M2Crypto
> (since this night) in a 24/7 mail service. Googling about it is a bit
> worrying.

I've fixed a lot of memory leaks in 0.17 and 0.18. If you know of any
unfixed issues, please let me know.

> Any other SSL implementation out there for Python?. No, I can't use 100%
> native python here, for performance reasons. I've looked at
> http://www.brontes3d.com/opensource/straightssl.html, but doc is sparse
> and I need to go bed now...

TLS Lite is pure Python, but can use various other native modules (if
available) to speed up SSL: http://trevp.net/tlslite/

pyOpenSSL and pyOpenSSL-extended wrap OpenSSL and provide a Python
module. Both of these seem dead, but pyOpenSSL-extended was released a
bit later, see

  Heikki Toivonen

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