[PYTHON-CRYPTO] M2Crypto 0.16 status update

Conrad Steenberg conrad at HEP.CALTECH.EDU
Wed Apr 5 23:22:22 CEST 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 13:59 -0700, Heikki Toivonen wrote:
> Conrad Steenberg wrote:
> > I happened to need to repackage a M2Crypto for a project at CERN and
> > decided to see if the m2c-0.15 code could be made to work with the
> > latest version of SWIG - namely 1.3.29.
> > 
> > The short answer is that it was almost trivial, only needing the
> > attached patch, which comes down to a
> > 
> > -%include <openssl/opensslv.h>
> > +#include <openssl/opensslv.h>
> Strange, we have 0.15 building at OSAF on Windows XP, Fedora Core 2 and
> Mac OS X without that change, using SWIG 1.3.29.
Hmm, strange...

> > Apart from that, there are numerous warnings of the form 
> > _asn1.i:19: Warning(121): %name is deprecated.  Use %rename instead.
> These are all fixed on trunk. If you want that you need to pull the code
> with svn.

Thanks, I'll take a look there. Unfortunately, I have to base my work on
a released package, with patches as needed.



> There are some new warnings from SWIG 1.3.29 that I haven't yet looked
> at. As usual, patches accepted ;)
> Also, I am planning on testing with Python 2.5 (alpha1 is available
> AFAIK), but if someone beats me to it it would be great to get a
> report/patches...
Conrad Steenberg <conrad at hep.caltech.edu> 
California Institute of Technology | http://conradsteenberg.info
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