[PYTHON-CRYPTO] aes library

Bryan Mongeau bryan at EEVOLVED.COM
Thu Apr 4 08:33:00 CEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

> Is Brian Mongeau (the author) on this list?

Yes, I'm here and I've been loosely following the recent thread about an AES
API. I'm sorry to say that I have to also operate a business and as such
cannot devote as much time as I'd like to improving my crypto lib.  I haven't
yet participated in the conversation because I have my doubts about strong
encryption ever being included in the standard library. I also doubt that a
single API could ever please everyone.  As for my AES API, I initially
designed it according to the policy of least surprise for the un-initiated,
so I recognize that its current incarnation probably isn't as flexible as it
ought to be for the power-user and as such I am willing to change it.

Migrating from SWIG to native python is on my TODO list :) Some of you
seem to be discussing the particular details of the primitives in the kit, so
I will elaborate further:

SHA 256/384/512
- - Swigged Aaron D. Gifford's ANSI C implementation.
- - PEP 247-compliant API, with the exception of the .new() method, which I

- - Swigged optimized ANSI C implementation by Paulo Barreto.
- - ECB and CBC modes

ECC ( still being developped, 80% complete )
- - Currently being revamped to support 8 different keysizes
- - NIST curves up to 571 bits
- - Based on Mike Rosing's ECC code, in polynomial basis.
- - Optimized polynomial inversion routines.
- - Uses internal C bignum lib, freely licensed.
- - Key exchange is going to be configurable between Diffie-Hellman,
Massey-Omura, ElGamal, Menezes-Qu-Vanstone(default)
- - Signature/verification will switch to ECDSA, despite slower speed.
Nyberg-Ruppel will still be available.

As stated many times, the primary goal of my kit is to provide a smaller,
easier, faster and more secure replacement for SSL network connections.
Resultingly, the API I designed was intentionally simplistic.  I would of
course welcome developpers to help improve it and would grant CVS access if
so desired.

> I dunno, he seems hard to reach - I spoke to him on IRC once, and have
> mailed him since, but haven't heard back...

Are you Bram Cohen of Mojo Nation fame ? As for the unanswered email...
umm... it must be my mail server that dropped it :-) Sorry.
- --
Bryan Mongeau
- --
"The facts will eventually test all our theories, and they form, after all,
the only impartial jury to which we can appeal" -- Louis Agassiz

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