[PYTHON-CRYPTO] I have built win32 amkCrypto binaries for Python 2.1.

Mark Brady kalath at lycos.com
Tue May 22 13:46:17 CEST 2001

      I have created a win32 binary of amkCrypto using the free borland compiler. I will put the binary and a how I compiled it online in a couple of days. In the meantime if anyone wants either they can email me. I'm also going to have a go at compiling PyAES with the borland compiler (the sourceforge binaries only support python 2.0 and the author isn't planning on updating these until the next release in a few months).

      This list is very hard to find (even when you know about it)! Is there any chance we could get a link to it from the python.org site. I know of at least 2 developers who developed in Java instead of python because they could find no up to date source of python-crypto information. Anyway have a nice day,

Mark Brady.

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