[PYTHON-CRYPTO] confused about state of crypto in python

Jason R. Mastaler jason-list-python-crypto at MASTALER.COM
Fri Mar 23 19:06:51 CET 2001


I'm trying to locate the "standard" implementation of popular
cryptography algorithms such as Blowfish, Twofish, and IDEA for Python
but have found this task more daunting than I originally anticipated.

A quick stroll through the search engines reveals a dizzying array of
code and modules, and no clear picture as to which packages are
supported, endorsed by Python, etc.  Some examples,

"mxCrypto", "amkCrypto", "pycrypt", "aescrypt", "twofishmodule", etc..

This is very confusing when coming from Perl, where the Crypto modules
are neatly organized in one place (http://search.cpan.org/Catalog/Security/)
and share a common API.

In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm asking this in the right place.  The
archives for this mailing list only show three articles for this
month, and the pycrypto-* lists at sourceforge are even emptier.

Can someone help me out here?


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