[PYTHON-CRYPTO] SourceForge Project Approved (fwd)

PC Drew drewpc at COLORADO.EDU
Tue Feb 20 20:19:53 CET 2001

he came to the same conclusion that I did: it's kind of okay to do this.
Here's what I'm thinking...post the code and a statement saying that you
better know your own encryption regulations.  We are not responsible if you
violate them.

By the way, does anyone know a lawyer who has researched this?  It seems
that with the new change in US laws, no one knows what the hell's going on.

--On Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:00 PM -0500 Dan Parisien
<dan at eevolved.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 20 February 2001 14:04, you wrote:
>> Looks like we've got a home.  If people have concerns about the US's
>> strong encryption laws, then we can keep using this list as well.
> Here's an interesting post:
> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=76060&forum_id=2
> Note that he's not a lawyer, just a sysadmin...
> Peace,
> Dan

PC Drew

  Be nice or I'll replace you with a very
  small shell script.

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