[PYTHON-CRYPTO] not pseudo code anymore!

PC Drew drewpc at COLORADO.EDU
Fri Feb 16 03:01:46 CET 2001

--On Wednesday, February 14, 2001 2:56 PM -0500 Dan Parisien
<dan at eevolved.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 13 February 2001 10:27, you wrote:
> (http://rtt.colorado.edu/~drewpc/PyCrypto.tar)
> I have a few questions as well:
> in SymmetricBase and AsymmetricBase, there are 'private' attributes for
> encryption/decryption keys. There should be methods to access them (or
> make them public)

good point.

> I understand the rationale behind making them private and having methods
> to access them, but I think that to be wasteful compared to having direct
> access to the method.

I agree.  anyone else agree?

> Just a matter of style, also, I think that the function arguments should
> not have underscores (_) prefixed to them. Named arguments are less
> readable and happydoc generated documentation also suffers in the
> readability department.

That's fine.  I traditionally prefix my function arguments just so I can
visually see which variables are arguments and which are not.  I understand
the readability issues and will remove them.

> I think APIs should also be drafted for keystores (as per Michael's
> suggestion) and a csprng (Bryan was working on one all day yesterday, i
> think it's pure python as well). Unfortunately, I am not the one to
> consult for either of those :)

I totally agree.  I'm very intrigued by the XML key store idea...I think
that'd be really neat.

PC Drew

  Be nice or I'll replace you with a very
  small shell script.

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