[PYTHON-CRYPTO] complete disagreement

Dan Parisien dan at eevolved.com
Sun Feb 11 17:46:57 CET 2001

> It is indeed not sensible to plonk the whole thing into the Python
> core.
I agree. SSL is a module for providing SSL support. It don't think you should
try and make it any base at all for a crypto module (unless it's to strip
code out and repackage it)

I don't know about you guys, but what I've read so far seems to be about
complicating things. Think as a programmer using your module. Instead of
following XML or Unicode module tricks (with runtime registration of crypto
functions) you should look at the Python DB way of doing things. Instead of
building a super-module that handles everything, I think this SIG should
focus on writing standards to interfaces (look at the random module) and
making sure people adhere to them.

this code:
aes = crypto.find_alg("aes", *args)

please don't make me have to code that... Think of the following problem:
is it called aes or rijndael? You are not making it easier or more efficient.
Please reflect on this because I am the one who is going to use your code :)


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