Michael Ströder michael at STROEDER.COM
Thu Feb 8 17:57:38 CET 2001

Ng Pheng Siong wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 11:32:37AM +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
> > No, algorithm implementations are meant to register their
> > capabilities at run-time. crypto.locate_alg('aes') would then try to
> > locate the first possible implementation for e.g. AES.
> Why reinvent the Java Crypto Architecture? What's so great about it?

It's great that
- you have a unique API
- you can combine several implementations and choose the one which
fits your needs best at run-time
- you have a clean object model for all entities like algorithms,
keys with various encodings, key stores, cryptographic protocols....

Especially *you* should appreciate such a thing for M2Crypto because
it would save the time you're spending for designing and writing
Python wrapper classes for hiding the ugly SWIG-ed BIO interfaces
for C illiterates like me. ;-)

Ciao, Michael.

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