[PYTHON-CRYPTO] Bryan calling Bryan (ECDSA).

Bryan Mongeau bryan at EEVOLVED.COM
Thu Feb 8 02:42:19 CET 2001

Sorry about my previous posting... I seem to have been ignorant to the
existence of the egroup [crypto-python] before now. Silly me. And I thought
comp.lang.python had it all... :)

I couldn't help but notice Bryan Olson's astute observations about amkCrypto
and M2Crypto being too tightly bound to SSL. I concur that ciphers ought to
be abstracted from the SSL protocol, and made available independently. Some
even suggested waiting for AES to be included in OpenSSL to make it available
to python programmers.

This is precisely what I was attempting to avoid by creating pyAES. OpenSSL
has its applications and it executes them admirably. However, including such
a large package merely to access a few crypto functions seems to me like an
unnecessary bloat. Especially if it is to be bundled in a python distribution.

Bryan, I was overjoyed to see that you have written an ECDSA class in pure
python. ECDSA has been causing me extreme headaches in my Eliptic Curve class
and is responsible for making an otherwise tight .so into a hideous monster.
I would love to get my hands on it.  I have also implemented a loose
interpretation of TLS with AES and ECC that will be under 100K when I get to
drop the DSA C functions. It is lacking certificates and signing though,
which to my amazement, seem to be your forte. Perhaps we could collaborate to
produce something really amazing? If not, then I would appreciate being able
to take a look at your ECDSA and PKCS#1 classes. Any linkage would be great,
can't seem to find you in google anywhere. Feel free to also contact me

Bryan Mongeau
Lead Developer, Director
eEvolved Real-Time Technologies Inc.

"...one of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape
from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the
fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to
escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and
thought."-- Einstein

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