Interested in a Crypto-SIG?

Jürgen A. Erhard juergen.erhard at
Wed Feb 7 01:11:07 CET 2001

>>>>> "A" == A M Kuchling <amk at> writes:

    A> On Sat, 27 Jan 2001 20:19:02 +0100, 
    A> 	Michael Ströder <michael at> wrote:
    >> <P>The list is hosted inside the US, as are its archives, so
    >> to avoid falling afoul of the US export restrictions, it's
    >> recommended that postings not contain complete programs or modules. 
    >> This does not attract me very much.

    A> Given the relaxing of US export laws last year, this text is
    A> really no longer necessary, and I should edit the list
    A> description accordingly.  (Shows how much time I spend on
    A> crypto these days...)

It's not export *laws* it's just the *regulations* of the *current*

And, as we all know, the Administration just changed...

I'm not expecting too much good from *that* guy.  And I'd *certainly*
wait with moving in crypto-related matters until those regulations had
turned into real, Senate/HR-fortified, law.

Sorry if I spoiled you day,

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard    juergen.erhard at   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
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