[python-committers] New core developers: Lisa Roach and Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel

Antoine Pitrou antoine at python.org
Sat Sep 15 11:47:29 EDT 2018

Emily and Lisa: welcome to the core team!

(style note: I almost missed the presentations after the long line of

Best regards


Le 14/09/2018 à 21:28, Raymond Hettinger a écrit :
> At the developer sprints this week, we collectively decided to grant core committer status to Emily and Lisa.
> Please join me in welcoming them to the team.
> Raymond
> -------------------------------
> Emily is the Director of Engineering at Cuttlesoft. She has previously attended two Language Summits and three core development sprints at PyCon. Since July, Emily has worked with Guido's guidance to implement PEP 572, Assignment Expressions.  She has also worked with Eric Snow to dive into CPython's runtime as well as subinterpreters.  This year at PyCon she gave a talk on Python's AST.  Here is her speaker bio https://us.pycon.org/2018/speaker/profile/283/ and a link to her talk video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhWvz4dK4ng
> Lisa has a background in network engineering and supported the Cisco sale engineer team to develop high quality Python product demonstrations.  Later she moved to the Facebook security team.  This is her third core developer sprint.  She and Guido are co-authors of PEP 526, Syntax for Variable Annotations. Last year, she worked with Eric Smith on PEP 557, Data Classes. Here is her speaker bio https://us.pycon.org/2018/speaker/profile/824/  and a link to her Pycon talks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKxbO4rRlpg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww1UsGZV8fQ
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