[python-committers] [OT] email clients

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Sat Nov 3 15:04:37 EDT 2018

On 11/03/2018 11:45 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:

> I would agree *if* that was the only axis that the two tools differed 
> on.

It's enough for me.  My participation on Discourse is going to be so low 
you might think I went emeritus. :/

> (Un)fortunately there is a laundry list of improvements over the 
> traditional mailing list

Which are all irrelevant if we don't use the tool itself.  It's like my 
wife wanting to reduce my sodium intake by buying reduced-sodium peanut 
butter -- it worked!  I don't eat that peanut butter.  ;)


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