[python-committers] If you care about the voting method, please vote ; -)

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 21:34:25 EDT 2018

[Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io>]
> ...
> Really, 3-2-1 is the only one that it feels to me like could really argue about
> the tally method of the poll.

Since I suggested 3-2-1 to begin with, let me assure you that Approval
for the poll was fine with me.  Heck, I didn't even once object that
the pool creator thought so little of 3-2-1 that he didn't even name
it correctly ;-)  (I _assume_ the "1-2-3" in the poll was intended to
be "3-2-1").

> ...
> Fortunately I can say as one of the people who approved of 3-2-1, it would *not*
> have been my first choice,

Nor mine!  STAR would have been my first choice, but it didn't even
appear in the poll (3-2-1 is just too new to trust yet).  As is, "pure
Condorcet" was my first choice, which happened to be the winner, so I
can hardly complain.

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