[python-committers] If you care about the voting method, please vote ; -)

Chris Jerdonek chris.jerdonek at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 20:22:34 EDT 2018

On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 5:09 PM Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> wrote:
> [Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at gmail.com>]
> > It would have been nice to know beforehand if the results of the poll
> > were going to change the PEP.
> Don't look at me ;-)  Like I said, "I'm not in charge of anything",
> and I had no input in changing PEP 8001 beyond contributing to the
> message thread, same as everyone else.

My reply was to Brett and not to you. If I had known the poll was
going to be binding, I could have made an effort to participate in the
discussion and try to sway people. As it was, the discussion was
started and dominated by people who were against IRV. They are the
most motivated to change things, and they're also the ones most
motivated to participate in the poll. I couldn't afford to participate
in such a discussion otherwise, as I said in the discussion. There are
already 98 messages -- many of which are lengthy -- not to mention
messages in other threads. It would take a lot of time and emotional
energy to engage in such a discussion.


> I viewed the poll as being
> informational, to get a sense of how people felt about the issues.
> Apparently someone actually in charge of the PEP thought consensus was
> "clear enough", presumably in part because of the poll results, but
> also presumably because of the quite extensive following discussion
> (of which the poll results can fairly be said to be representative).
> > I didn't participate because I didn't feel like the poll had a fair
> > process like the PEP's themselves.
> Which you've already said in the discuss.python.org thread.  So,
> mentally, when I viewed the poll, I added one vote to IRV for you.  I
> don't know whether Brett did too, but IRV was trailing too much for it
> to make a material difference.
> As above, I expect it was really the discussion that drove the
> decision, of which the poll results were but a summary.  But October
> is over, so Brett can speak for himself now ;-)

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