[python-committers] Wanting to merge my first PR under github - a bit of advice

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 10:29:08 EDT 2018

On 21 March 2018 at 14:02, Mariatta Wijaya <mariatta.wijaya at gmail.com> wrote:
> Some steps were written here:
> https://devguide.python.org/gitbootcamp/#accepting-and-merging-a-pull-request
> And the section right after explains the backport.

Thanks Mariatta - that's exactly what I was looking for.

> I guess it needs reorganizing.

It's depressing how often the problem is not about providing the
information, but about helping people find it. I was *almost* there -
I remember skimming the pages about git, but as I know git itself, I
was assuming it was about git for people who didn't know it, rather
than "how the CPython workflow uses git" and missed that bit. I'll see
if I can think of a way of making it a bit more obvious.

> Top posted from my phone while literally on a beach.

I'm jealous :-)


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