[python-committers] An alternative governance model

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Jul 18 13:06:12 EDT 2018

I find this discussion really interesting from a social perspective.
Let's keep it going for a while without jumping to any conclusions.
It's too early to head down into one particular rabbit hole yet ;-)

There's no rush and if things crystallize only in a year's time,
that's perfectly fine.

(And even better: We have Tim back with us for all that time to
entertain us :-))


On 18.07.2018 18:55, Tim Peters wrote:
> [Antoine Pitrou]
>> At this point we are not talking about a majority vote.  All I see is a
>> rushed plebiscite on a single governance model and a single person.
> I view this as the "freewheeling brainstorming" initial part of the
> process.  We've barely even mentioned who the plebes may be - is it just
> committers who have a say?  If so, is that by definition precisely the
> members of this mailing list, or some broader or narrower definition?  Or
> also some subset of the 5 classes of PSF membership?  Etc.  And regardless
> of how someone wants to answer that, who decides on who gets to "vote" to
> begin with?  Under what authority?
> IOW, we're several universes away from reaching a credible resolution.
> In the meantime, a "+1" or "-1" from me really just means "let's keep this
> idea on the table" or "let's drop this one", respectively.  Which carries
> no actual weight at all.
> It's valuable to push back against ideas you don't like, and I'm glad you
> are!

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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