[python-committers] Should I merge a PR that I approved if it was written by a different core developer?

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 17:49:58 EDT 2017

> I think it's a good idea in many cases, but not required.

I'm not sure that I understood correctly, what is a good idea? To
merge the PR if I consider that it's now good enough to be merged?

> E.g. you may be OK
> with the diff but still ask the author to clean up some small nits, and then
> they can merge their own diff.

Oh, my question was specific to a PR at the "LGTM." stage, after I
even approved the PR.

I wrote my email after approving
https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/3678 which is written by
Antoine Pitrou. I asked a question, he replied, I like his answer. The
patch is small and makes sense. So LGTM :-)

> Or you may be OK with the diff but want to
> wait for some other reviewer's OK.

Yeah, it's not uncommon that I prefer to get a second review. Usually,
I explicitly say it in a comment.

> The good news is that it's no longer wrong, since the author is preserved
> regardless of who merges.

Yep, that's my point :-)


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