[python-committers] UPDATE 1: Core sprint 2017 - Sep 4 - Sep 9, Menlo Park, California

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Fri Aug 11 08:37:23 EDT 2017

I created https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cpython-dev-sprint-2017
etherpad to organize the sprint. Feel free to write whatever you want about
the sprint there ;-) I started to list project ideas.


2017-07-12 13:55 GMT+02:00 Łukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl>:

> Update: the sprint is on!
> *Good news*: Facebook is covering the venue, food and hotel costs. This
> is confirmed. I'm working on getting a PSF grant for flights like last year.
> *Please book your* *airplane tickets* as soon as possible. Like last
> year, we can reimburse up to *$500* for domestic roundtrip flights and up
> to *$1500* for international roundtrip flights. If that’s not enough to
> get you to California and back, let me know and we’ll figure something out.
> Send me the receipts my way, you should get your money back before the
> event, preferably as soon as I get the grant wired. For sums smaller than
> $500, provide me with a PayPal e-mail. For larger ones, I will need your
> details to set up a wire transfer. I will use TransferWise for the latter
> to cut down the wire costs. * I recommend flying in on Sunday and flying
> out on Saturday.*
> *Please DO NOT book hotels*, Facebook is covering this, preferably in the
> same hotel as close to Facebook HQ as possible. NOTE: I cannot confirm your
> hotel room until I have your flight information.
> *Full list of confirmed attendance:*
> zware
> ned-deily
> ncoghlan
> warsaw
> benjaminp
> tiran
> ericvsmith
> 1st1
> larryhastings
> ericsnowcurrently
> Mariatta
> ezio-melotti
> applio
> nascheme
> bitdancer
> gvanrossum
> gpshead
> zooba
> haypo
> rhettinger
> If for any reason you can no longer come, *please let me know immediately*
> .
> - Ł
> On Jun 13, 2017, at 1:04 AM, Lukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl> wrote:
> Hello fellow committers!
> I'm organizing another core sprint this year to make Python 3.7 the best
> release possible.
> *WHY*:
> 1. *Community*.  The sprints at the end of PyCon are great but they
> mostly get the same people in the room year after year.  Many of the most
> active contributors never attend conferences.  My goal with this sprint is
> to bring together many core devs who rarely if ever meet!
> 2. *Focus*.  When we have sprints at the end of a conference, many of us
> are pretty tired and less productive than we could have been without the
> late dinners, endless hallway sessions, and so on.  Some of the sprinters
> are preoccupied with tutoring newcomers.  This sprint won't be after a
> major conference, and it's only for seasoned CPython core devs--so get to
> work!
> 3. *Communication*. There are tremendous benefits to getting everyone
> together in one big room.  Conversations that drag on on python-dev can be
> solved quickly in person.  Even contentious debates become faster, easier,
> and more civil.  And meeting face-to-face helps us all feel more connected
> to our community.
> *WHY THE BAY AREA*: We have a large population of core contributors
> here.  Also, I can arrange for Facebook to provide us a "war room" for the
> whole week, with full access to the campus during the sprints. That
> includes free food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, compatible
> with almost any dietary restrictions.
> *WHY EARLY SEPTEMBER*: It's almost impossible to find a time that doesn't
> overlap with a PyCon. This week worked well last year so we're redoing it
> that way. Monday September 4 is Labor Day in the US, which may make it
> easier for employees of US companies to attend, as they'd only be taking
> off four days instead of five.
> *HOW LONG*: A full week Monday, Sep 4 to Friday, Sep 8 evening. You can
> check into your hotel the day before the sprint (Sunday, Sep 3) and check
> out the day after (Saturday, Sep 9).
> *HOW BIG*: No fewer than 10, no more than 20.  More than 20 people would
> be great but it'd be hard for me to organize a sprint that big.
> *WHO PAYS*: The venue, hotels, and food are provided by Facebook. I'm
> working on getting flight reimbursements. Last year they were provided by
> the Python Software Foundation. Anybody is free to waive their
> reimbursement.
> *PLEASE REPLY*: If you're interested in attending and have the commit bit
> on GitHub's python/cpython, fill out this Google Form:
> https://goo.gl/forms/MzrNtRe0NAmzvGwF2
> *DISCLAIMER*: I'd like to be able to host everybody. However, if I
> receive more than 20 applications, this is not going to be possible. In
> this case, the following will happen:
> 1. I will look at your current level of involvement in CPython
> development. This includes metrics like commits / PRs, activity on the bug
> tracker and python-dev, special role (release manager, infrastructure dev,
> etc.).
> 2. I will look at your sprint plan and ability to participate in the
> entire sprint (per answers to the questions above).
> 3. I will gather all this data and leave the final decision to our
> Benevolent Dictator (who is also attending the sprint). This is one of
> those occasions where having a dictator is useful.
> *DON'T WAIT*: September is closer than you think! Please let me know as
> soon as possible so we can start setting up the event. I'm going to close
> the sign-up form on June 23rd.
> Organizational-ly yours,
> Ł
> Vice-Minister of Silly Sprints
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