[python-committers] commit privileges for INADA Naoki

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 00:00:23 EDT 2016

On 26 September 2016 at 03:52, Raymond Hettinger
<raymond.hettinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 25, 2016, at 8:38 AM, Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I want to propose to give commit privileges to INADA Naoki.  He's the guy behind compact dict implementation for CPython 3.6, which was a super complex patch.
> I would like to see him do some work reviewing other people's patches and to show that he is making good judgments about what should and shouldn't be done.  In a way, making a single big patch is one of the least important parts of being a core developer.

This has come up a couple of times, but I think it carries a mistaken
assumption that there's only one way to be a core developer, when
"core development" covers a whole range of different activities, from
general bug fixing, to facilitating acceptance of other people's
patches, to assuming maintenance & design responsibility for
particular modules and interpreter subsystems.

I know when I nominated Yury himself for commit privileges it wasn't
due to his work reviewing other people's patches - it was due to the
fact that I trusted him to ask for a second opinion when he needed one
in the areas where we'd been working together, and that the
requirement for his patches to go through me in order to be merged was
becoming inefficient relative to just granting him the ability to
check them in himself after I had looked at them.

If Yury feels the same way regarding Inada-san's contributions to
asyncio and the interpreter core, and is prepared to support him in
managing the additional responsibilities that come along with that,
then I don't see a strong reason to veto that. At most I see reason
for a directive to be judicious in how the new access is used, but my
experience is that new core developers already naturally take some
time to become confident in using their own judgement over asking
their sponsor's opinion.


P.S. My perspective on this is also influenced by the fact that I
gained my own commit privileges back in the CVS days specifically to
work on updates to PEP 346 rather than due to my work on the activity
of general patch wrangling (which I still generally don't do outside
my particular areas of interest, and even then, hitting a bug or API
limitation myself is often the main motivator for applying someone
else's patch)

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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