[python-committers] autoconf 2.70

Ned Deily nad at python.org
Tue Nov 22 14:16:08 EST 2016

On Nov 22, 2016, at 11:06, Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at gmail.com> wrote:
> The configure file on the default and 3.6 branches have been generated
> with autoconf 2.70 once again. This is annoying when you have to
> maintain patches to this configure file in order to build on a non
> supported platform.

I'm sorry about that.  I did promise to rerun with autoconf 2.69 before tagging the release so committers didn't have to worry about it but I didn't notice my note to do so until after 3.6.0b4 had already been tagged.  I'll try to do better for rc1.

Perhaps another solution to the problem might be to not include the autoconf-generated changes in the patches and just always run autoconf before doing a build?  That's what we suggest for patches submitted to the tracker.

And this might also be a candidate for handling in our upcoming new development workflow, i.e. something like having autoconf automatically be run as part of checkins.  If it hasn't already been discussed there, it might be worth bringing up on the core-workflow mailing list.

  Ned Deily
  nad at python.org -- []

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