[python-committers] Reminder: 3.5 now has its own branch! "default" branch is now 3.6!

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Mon May 25 11:03:11 CEST 2015

On 25.05.15 02:49, Larry Hastings wrote:
> I've now pushed the 3.5.0 beta 1 release-engineering checkins to
> hg.python.org.  At the same time I did this, I also created the 3.5 branch.
> Quick FAQ:
> Q: Where should I check in bugfixes for 3.5?
> A: In the "3.5" branch.  You should also merge them forward into "default".
> Q: Where should I check in new features for 3.5?
> A: You sillyhead!  New features aren't allowed for 3.5 anymore, it's in
> feature freeze.
> Q: What is "default" now?
> A: "default" is now 3.6.  Meaning, you can now start on new features for
> 3.6!  You don't have to wait until 3.5 final is released, like how we
> used to do it.

Perhaps needed version bump in the default branch? I think now Misc/NEWS 
will have two modifiable sections - for 3.5 (bugfixes) and for 3.6 (new 

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