[python-committers] Mark Lawrence

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Oct 5 21:02:06 CEST 2014

On 10/5/2014 2:15 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> "BreamoreBoy" is back on tracker touching hundreds of issues without
> adding any new information. This is certainly not the first time. Can we
> ban him?

Can we? Of course, but that is a rare last resort.  Should we? No.

I have closed several issues and responded to other because of his pings.

On core-mentorship list, people are told that after a few months with no 
response, particularly after posting a patch, it is ok to ping.  I 
suspect Mark thinks he is acting in accordance with this.

I have not seen Mark do now what lead to suspension of tracker admin 
privileges a few years ago -- which was to demand that someone respond 
or see the issue closed, which would then do.  It was Mark's choice then 
to leave the tracker completely (contrary to Guido's wishes).  If he has 
done the above on issues not involving me, then he should be told to stop.

It appears that someone somewhat recently gave Mark at least partial 
admin privileges (to change Versions).  If so, that would have been a 
message that he was doing ok after his return.  If he is not doing ok, 
let us give him more guidance.

If you are annoyed, lets discuss specifics and see if we can agree on 
refined guidelines to give him.  It could even be "leave Benjamin's 
issues alone".


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