[python-committers] Reminder: Python 3.4 alpha 1 release is Saturday August 3

Larry Hastings larry at hastings.org
Fri Aug 2 21:43:21 CEST 2013

On 08/01/2013 04:14 PM, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Is it ok to do such changes between the alpha4 and beta1?

Yes.  We don't hit feature-freeze until beta 1.

But it's best to get your changes in earlier, so they can be in one (or 
more) alphas.  And in case you discover something wrong with your 
approach and you need to make breaking changes, those should definitely 
be in the alphas.  And bigger changes should be earlier than smaller 
changes, if you can approach the problem that way.

But you've got time.

By the way, it looks like 3.4a1 will be basically on time.  I've triaged 
all the extant release blockers, so I don't have any right now.  (Mostly 
just marking them as "deferred blocker"...)  I plan to tag today for a 
release tomorrow.

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