[python-committers] Python 2.6.7rc1

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Sat May 7 01:44:00 CEST 2011

Yeah, haven't heard anyone screaming "When's 2.6.7 going to be production-ready" yet. But the work release managers put in to maintaining prior releases is, I know, much appreciated by many users of such releases.


On May 6, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> I actually made the 2.6.7rc1 release and pushed it out to dinsdale, but Martin
> tells me that the hg and svn branches for 2.6 are not synchronized.  Dang, I
> should have checked that first.
> I'm going to hold off announcing the availability of 2.6.7rc1 until I have
> some time to synchronize the branches, and possibly decide whether to do the
> actual release from hg or svn.  Issue 12024 is the release blocker for this.
> It might mean doing an rc2, but I probably won't get to that for another
> week.  Which I think is okay, because this is basically a self-imposed
> deadline.
> Cheers,
> -Barry
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Steve Holden
steve at holdenweb.com

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