[python-committers] [PSF-Members] Code Simplicity » Open Source Community, Simplified

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Feb 2 17:47:02 CET 2011

On Feb 02, 2011, at 01:31 PM, Michael Foord wrote:

>One issue it raises is the difficulties caused by freezing the trunk for
>releases. Instead they advocate creating the release branch at the point of
>the release candidate instead of freezing trunk.  There are issues I
>currently *can't* work on because trunk is frozen and would personally prefer
>to see us use the branch-on-release-candidate process.

This is one of the primary problems solved by a dvcs.  You can *always* and
*easily* work on new features, publish them for comment and review by others,
make continual progress regardless of the release status of the official
branches, and easily track movement in those official branches.

Pycon 2011 will mark the second anniversary of Guido's pronouncement.  If we
do nothing else in Atlanta, can we *please* *please* *please* come away from
there with the conversion operationally completed?

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