[python-committers] branches and merging

R. David Murray rdmurray at bitdance.com
Tue Mar 2 20:56:44 CET 2010

On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 15:41:45 +0100, Dirkjan Ochtman <dirkjan at ochtman.nl> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 15:17, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
> > We really need to move to a dvcs for development sooner rather than later.
> > It's been a year since the decision was made.  I understand that it will suck
> > for Windows developers in the short term, but with all the discussion about
> > the PSF paying for pdo infrastructure work, I think getting us off of
> > Subversion would have the most immediate positive impact for development of
> > Python.  If the EOL issue is the holdup, what can we do *right now* to break
> > that logjam?  Can't the PSF pay somebody to make this happen?
> For the EOL issue, there is code, it needs testing. Martin Geisler
> (the primary author so far) and I issued a call for testing on
> python-dev last week, but without any response so far. As for paying
> someone, I have a full-time job already, so I don't really have the
> time to do consulting. I could ask around for other Mercurial team
> members, but I'm not sure there's much point to it if no one is
> testing the extension that exists right now.

If I understand correctly, the goal was for the extension to be run by
all developers, whether they were on windows or not.  I think we should
make a first cut at the instructions for getting set up to use hg for
Python development, including setting up the extension.  With those
instructions in hand I'll at least test it on my linux box, and I should
also be able to find time to test it on a Windows box as well.


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