[python-committers] branches and merging

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Mon Mar 1 23:44:20 CET 2010

2010/3/1 Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>:
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 09:31, Eric Smith <eric at trueblade.com> wrote:
>> I've been doing it to remind myself of things that need to be merged, or
>> not. And I believe it used to be used by people doing mass-merges, I'm not
>> sure if that is done any more.
> Georg and Benjamin used to do it on occasion back when people did not do any
> primary development in py3k or would just forget because it was not habit
> yet.

FWIW, I don't worry about 2.6 or 3.1. I think it's of most importance
that the trunk and py3k branch stay in sync, so I only block between
those too branches.


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