[python-committers] Misc/NEWS entries added to released versions

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Mon Sep 14 12:31:00 CEST 2009

Brett Cannon schrieb:

>> brainstorm:
>> It'd be nicer if we could generate the file from another source,
>> perhaps keep each releases news in its own file and merge it all
>> together at release time?
>> Or have a NEWS.latest file that contains only updates since the
>> previous release (part of making a release would be to prepend
>> NEWS.latest to the NEWS file and truncate NEWS.latest)?
> Or simply take the first line of each commit? I mean why do we enter
> it twice? If we have a commit that is unimportant we could come up
> with some convention to make it as such or simply have the comment
> start with a blank line.

We should just switch to Mercurial :)

I've already hacked up a hg extension to automatically fill the commit message
with the changes in a NEWS or CHANGELOG file.  This works quite well -- you
add the short but nice description to NEWS, do "hg commit", and the editor
pops up where you can either accept the message consisting of only the changes
in NEWS, or add some more stuff that's not interesting to users.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

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