[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Sun Mar 1 01:14:29 CET 2009

Nick Coghlan schrieb:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>> It doesn't only *feel* slow, it *is* slow.  And not only compared to merging
>> with a DVCS, which doesn't need network.  Half a minute to merge a three-line
>> change is not productive.
> Don't forget that *blocking* a revision with svnmerge seems to take
> nearly as long as actually merging it does (the only part that seems to
> save time is the fact that you don't need to build and/or run the test
> suite afterwards).

Even worse, svnmerge makes concurrent merging impossible. You get a
conflict every time two people are merging the same time. In the Python
project we don't see the issue often but at work I could hear a
frustrated scream at least once a day. We've started a "manual merge
lock" by yelling "merge" from one developer room to the other.

Totally annoying, though.


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