[python-committers] Mysterious uidNNN committers

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Fri Jul 3 21:12:06 CEST 2009

I've been analyzing how much of the Python code is covered
by the contributor agreements in the PSF's possession.

The logs show four mysterious IDs of the form uidNNNN; I'd like to
figure out who two of those IDs were.  (Two of the IDs are gone in
3.1-trunk, so I don't care about them.)

uid26747 has one commit that only affected
Lib/test/test_generators.py.  To me this reads like a Tim Peters
commit message.  Tim, does this seem familiar?

r21474 | uid26747 | 2001-07-04 18:11:22 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2001) | 11 lines

Added a non-recursive implementation of conjoin(), and a Knight's Tour
solver.  In conjunction, they easily found a tour of a 200x200 board:
that's 200**2 == 40,000 levels of backtracking.  Explicitly resumable
generators allow that to be coded as easily as a recursive solver (easier,
actually, because different levels can use level-customized algorithms
without pain), but without blowing the stack.  Indeed, I've never written
an exhaustive Tour solver in any language before that can handle boards so
large ("exhaustive" == guaranteed to find a solution if one exists, as
opposed to probabilistic heuristic approaches; of course, the age of the
universe may be a blip in the time needed!).

uid56795's commit is to Lib/idlelib/Debugger.py.  Most of the commits
to idlelib around this time are by Kurt Kaiser, but there are a few by
Chui Tey.  (In either case, both of them have signed agreements, so
the code is likely covered.)

r27482 | uid56795 | 2002-07-05 18:05:24 -0400 (Fri, 05 Jul 2002) | 5 lines

Combine OldStackViewer.py with Debugger.py, removing dead code.
M Debugger.py       : Incorporate StackViewer, NamespaceViewer classes
M StackViewer.py    : remove import OldStackViewer
U OldStackViewer.py : remove file

uid35364 cleaned up two bare except: clauses in Lib/mhlib.py and
rfc822.py.  No idea who this was -- IIRC, Skip did a lot of cleanup
like this -- but the change is hardly the stuff of intellectual
property litigation.

r21470 | uid35364 | 2001-07-04 03:01:29 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2001) | 3 lines

Clean up a bare except: clause.

r21471 | uid35364 | 2001-07-04 03:07:33 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2001) | 3 lines

Clean up a bare except: clause.

uid28957's one commit is a regex tweak.  The mention of an SF bug
lets me identify this as probably by Sjoerd Mullender.

r21472 | uid28957 | 2001-07-04 06:15:58 -0400 (Wed, 04 Jul 2001) | 5 lines

Fix for SF bug #425868.
We should not depend on two spaces between words, so use the white
space after the to-be-encoded word only as lookahead and don't
actually consume it in the regular expression.


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