[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Thu Feb 26 16:15:07 CET 2009

Better, worse, or equal in what sense?  Obviously, *all* of them are
better in certain senses (patch-oriented instead of revision-oriented
approach, higher (?) development velocity, and not to mention the
oh-shiny factor).  However, it's highly questionable if any of them is
better if we take also *users* of the Python source code tree into
account.  SVN is ubiquitous in industry on all platforms.  The others,
not so much.  And the set of people capable of installing any of the
others but not SVN is probably non-existent.


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> To see if people actually want to switch off of svn to a DVCS, I have put
> together a survey for everyone to state for each DVCS if they think it is
> better, worse, or equal to svn (and an option to not say anything if you
> have no experience with the DVCS):
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=cDVkUElEeEM5MGdBa29fcFZoU1Y2Vmc6MA..
> The survey is not anonymous so that I can make sure no one games this; I can
> check for duplicate usernames in the answers. But I will not give out any
> information beyond aggregate data, so identifiable information stops at me.
> I plan to keep this open for a week before I begin to seriously look at the
> data.
> -Brett
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