[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Feb 26 01:16:41 CET 2009

[Brett writes]

> I guess I didn't make it clear enough in the survey. This is meant to gauge 
> whether you think the DVCSs would be improvement over the status quo for us, 
> which happens to be svn. I have changed the options to make it a comparison 
> against the status quo and not svn specifically. If anyone wants to change 
> their vote based on this clarification let me know and I will delete your 
> initial answers.

I'm afraid the above explanation still isn't quite clear to me: you are saying that we are actually voting on if we would 'approve' of an actual move of Python's SVN to that named DVCS?

If so, please do withdraw my vote; I need to think more about that...



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