[python-committers] Survey about DVCSs compared to svn

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu Feb 26 00:46:57 CET 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 15:35, Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>wrote:

> > There's an option missing in that survey:
> >
> > [ ] I see a need to switch to a DVCS at all.
> To be fair, the survey isn't asking about a switch, just how they compare
> against svn.
> But I must admin that seems a little strange; while I just answered that I
> believe hg and bzr are better than svn (I abstained re git), that *doesn't*
> necessarily imply I would vote that they should replace svn for Python - I
> might, but I might not - that is a much harder question than the one
> presented.

I guess I didn't make it clear enough in the survey. This is meant to gauge
whether you think the DVCSs would be improvement over the status quo for us,
which happens to be svn. I have changed the options to make it a comparison
against the status quo and not svn specifically. If anyone wants to change
their vote based on this clarification let me know and I will delete your
initial answers.

So in MAL's case, you would say you think all the DVCS would be worse than
the status quo as a way to vote that you don't want any change because the
status quo is fine.

I am not going to delve any deeper into making a fancier survey because it
just gets too convoluted in terms of how to present the questions, mining
the data, dealing with bias and how people are just not built to rate
things, etc.

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