[python-committers] Data corruption issue (C IO library)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Aug 7 16:26:53 CEST 2009

On Aug 7, 2009, at 2:20 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:

>> Why does that require doing alphas and betas? I believe the 2.5.x
>> releases only had a RC and the 3.0.1 and 2.6.x had no preview  
>> releases
>> before the final bugfix release.
> OK, maybe alphas and betas were a bit too skeptical; but there needs  
> to be
> *something* that people can test before final.  Otherwise, another  
> release
> may be necessary just afterwards :|

I'm skeptical about pre-releases for micro releases.  Nobody outside  
dedicated insiders really tests them and y'all can test the source  
branches anyway.  I also don't think it's /that/ big of a deal to  
release a new micro release right away for the occasional brown bag  

An alternative may be to embargo a micro release from the public for a  
day or so.  Build it and upload it, and announce it here.  Let people  
at least test installs and a few very simple things, and then 24 hours  
later, update the public links and make the announcement.

OTOH, if and when snakebite.org is part of our normal development  
process, the RM can just use that to make sure nothing horrible is  

I'd say JFDI :)


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