[Python-checkins] Miscellaneous improvements to the typing docs (#105529)

AlexWaygood webhook-mailer at python.org
Fri Jun 9 11:09:21 EDT 2023

commit: 8e755923c97d689ba7c7fe8deb50c1b169263264
branch: main
author: Alex Waygood <Alex.Waygood at Gmail.com>
committer: AlexWaygood <Alex.Waygood at Gmail.com>
date: 2023-06-09T15:08:57Z

Miscellaneous improvements to the typing docs (#105529)

Mostly, these are changes so that we use shorter sentences and shorter paragraphs. In particular, I've tried to make the first sentence introducing each object in the typing API short and declarative.

M Doc/library/typing.rst
M Lib/typing.py
M Objects/typevarobject.c

diff --git a/Doc/library/typing.rst b/Doc/library/typing.rst
index 0a7b77f4415a..949b108c60c4 100644
--- a/Doc/library/typing.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/typing.rst
@@ -158,9 +158,6 @@ Type aliases are useful for simplifying complex type signatures. For example::
            servers: Sequence[tuple[tuple[str, int], dict[str, str]]]) -> None:
-Note that ``None`` as a type hint is a special case and is replaced by
 The :keyword:`type` statement is new in Python 3.12. For backwards
 compatibility, type aliases can also be created through simple assignment::
@@ -699,24 +696,31 @@ These can be used as types in annotations and do not support ``[]``.
 .. data:: AnyStr
-   ``AnyStr`` is a :ref:`constrained type variable <typing-constrained-typevar>` defined as
-   ``AnyStr = TypeVar('AnyStr', str, bytes)``.
+   A :ref:`constrained type variable <typing-constrained-typevar>`.
+   Definition::
+      AnyStr = TypeVar('AnyStr', str, bytes)
-   It is meant to be used for functions that may accept any kind of string
-   without allowing different kinds of strings to mix. For example::
+   ``AnyStr`` is meant to be used for functions that may accept :class:`str` or
+   :class:`bytes` arguments but cannot allow the two to mix.
+   For example::
       def concat(a: AnyStr, b: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
           return a + b
-      concat(u"foo", u"bar")  # Ok, output has type 'unicode'
-      concat(b"foo", b"bar")  # Ok, output has type 'bytes'
-      concat(u"foo", b"bar")  # Error, cannot mix unicode and bytes
+      concat("foo", "bar")    # OK, output has type 'str'
+      concat(b"foo", b"bar")  # OK, output has type 'bytes'
+      concat("foo", b"bar")   # Error, cannot mix str and bytes
 .. data:: LiteralString
-   Special type that includes only literal strings. A string
+   Special type that includes only literal strings.
+   Any string
    literal is compatible with ``LiteralString``, as is another
-   ``LiteralString``, but an object typed as just ``str`` is not.
+   ``LiteralString``. However, an object typed as just ``str`` is not.
    A string created by composing ``LiteralString``-typed objects
    is also acceptable as a ``LiteralString``.
@@ -728,15 +732,15 @@ These can be used as types in annotations and do not support ``[]``.
       def caller(arbitrary_string: str, literal_string: LiteralString) -> None:
-          run_query("SELECT * FROM students")  # ok
-          run_query(literal_string)  # ok
-          run_query("SELECT * FROM " + literal_string)  # ok
+          run_query("SELECT * FROM students")  # OK
+          run_query(literal_string)  # OK
+          run_query("SELECT * FROM " + literal_string)  # OK
           run_query(arbitrary_string)  # type checker error
           run_query(  # type checker error
               f"SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = {arbitrary_string}"
-   This is useful for sensitive APIs where arbitrary user-generated
+   ``LiteralString`` is useful for sensitive APIs where arbitrary user-generated
    strings could generate problems. For example, the two cases above
    that generate type checker errors could be vulnerable to an SQL
    injection attack.
@@ -766,7 +770,7 @@ These can be used as types in annotations and do not support ``[]``.
               case str():
                   print("It's a str")
               case _:
-                  never_call_me(arg)  # ok, arg is of type Never
+                  never_call_me(arg)  # OK, arg is of type Never
    .. versionadded:: 3.11
@@ -776,6 +780,7 @@ These can be used as types in annotations and do not support ``[]``.
 .. data:: NoReturn
    Special type indicating that a function never returns.
    For example::
       from typing import NoReturn
@@ -795,6 +800,7 @@ These can be used as types in annotations and do not support ``[]``.
 .. data:: Self
    Special type to represent the current enclosed class.
    For example::
       from typing import Self
@@ -943,8 +949,6 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Optional
-   Optional type.
    ``Optional[X]`` is equivalent to ``X | None`` (or ``Union[X, None]``).
    Note that this is not the same concept as an optional argument,
@@ -1008,8 +1012,11 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Concatenate
-   Used with :data:`Callable` and :class:`ParamSpec` to type annotate a higher
-   order callable which adds, removes, or transforms parameters of another
+   Special form for annotating higher-order functions.
+   ``Concatenate`` can be used in conjunction with :data:`Callable` and
+   :class:`ParamSpec` to annotate a higher-order callable which adds, removes,
+   or transforms parameters of another
    callable.  Usage is in the form
    ``Concatenate[Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ..., ParamSpecVariable]``. ``Concatenate``
    is currently only valid when used as the first argument to a :data:`Callable`.
@@ -1110,18 +1117,22 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Literal
-   A type that can be used to indicate to type checkers that the
-   corresponding variable or function parameter has a value equivalent to
-   the provided literal (or one of several literals). For example::
+   Special typing form to define "literal types".
+   ``Literal`` can be used to indicate to type checkers that the
+   annotated object has a value equivalent to one of the
+   provided literals.
+   For example::
       def validate_simple(data: Any) -> Literal[True]:  # always returns True
-      MODE = Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb']
-      def open_helper(file: str, mode: MODE) -> str:
+      type Mode = Literal['r', 'rb', 'w', 'wb']
+      def open_helper(file: str, mode: Mode) -> str:
-      open_helper('/some/path', 'r')  # Passes type check
+      open_helper('/some/path', 'r')      # Passes type check
       open_helper('/other/path', 'typo')  # Error in type checker
    ``Literal[...]`` cannot be subclassed. At runtime, an arbitrary value
@@ -1164,8 +1175,12 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Final
-   A special typing construct to indicate to type checkers that a name
-   cannot be re-assigned or overridden in a subclass. For example::
+   Special typing construct to indicate final names to type checkers.
+   Final names cannot be reassigned in any scope. Final names declared in class
+   scopes cannot be overridden in subclasses.
+   For example::
       MAX_SIZE: Final = 9000
       MAX_SIZE += 1  # Error reported by type checker
@@ -1183,10 +1198,17 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Required
+   Special typing construct to mark a :class:`TypedDict` key as required.
+   This is mainly useful for ``total=False`` TypedDicts. See :class:`TypedDict`
+   and :pep:`655` for more details.
+   .. versionadded:: 3.11
 .. data:: NotRequired
-   Special typing constructs that mark individual keys of a :class:`TypedDict`
-   as either required or non-required respectively.
+   Special typing construct to mark a :class:`TypedDict` key as potentially
+   missing.
    See :class:`TypedDict` and :pep:`655` for more details.
@@ -1335,7 +1357,9 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: TypeGuard
-   Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined
+   Special typing construct for marking user-defined type guard functions.
+   ``TypeGuard`` can be used to annotate the return type of a user-defined
    type guard function.  ``TypeGuard`` only accepts a single type argument.
    At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean.
@@ -1402,8 +1426,9 @@ These can be used as types in annotations using ``[]``, each having a unique syn
 .. data:: Unpack
-   A typing operator that conceptually marks an object as having been
-   unpacked. For example, using the unpack operator ``*`` on a
+   Typing operator to conceptually mark an object as having been unpacked.
+   For example, using the unpack operator ``*`` on a
    :class:`type variable tuple <TypeVarTuple>` is equivalent to using ``Unpack``
    to mark the type variable tuple as having been unpacked::
@@ -1855,11 +1880,16 @@ without the dedicated syntax, as documented below.
    for runtime introspection and have no special meaning to static type checkers.
    Calling :func:`get_origin` on either of these objects will return the
-   original ``ParamSpec``::
+   original ``ParamSpec``:
+   .. doctest::
-      P = ParamSpec("P")
-      get_origin(P.args)  # returns P
-      get_origin(P.kwargs)  # returns P
+      >>> from typing import ParamSpec
+      >>> P = ParamSpec("P")
+      >>> get_origin(P.args) is P
+      True
+      >>> get_origin(P.kwargs) is P
+      True
    .. versionadded:: 3.10
@@ -2010,13 +2040,15 @@ These are not used in annotations. They are building blocks for declaring types.
 .. class:: NewType(name, tp)
-   A helper class to indicate a distinct type to a typechecker,
-   see :ref:`distinct`. At runtime it returns an object that returns
-   its argument when called.
+   Helper class to create low-overhead :ref:`distinct types <distinct>`.
+   A ``NewType`` is considered a distinct type by a typechecker. At runtime,
+   however, calling a ``NewType`` returns its argument unchanged.
-      UserId = NewType('UserId', int)
-      first_user = UserId(1)
+      UserId = NewType('UserId', int)  # Declare the NewType "UserId"
+      first_user = UserId(1)  # "UserId" returns the argument unchanged at runtime
    .. attribute:: __module__
@@ -2037,7 +2069,9 @@ These are not used in annotations. They are building blocks for declaring types.
 .. class:: Protocol(Generic)
-   Base class for protocol classes. Protocol classes are defined like this::
+   Base class for protocol classes.
+   Protocol classes are defined like this::
       class Proto(Protocol):
           def meth(self) -> int:
@@ -2478,11 +2512,12 @@ Other concrete types
 .. class:: Pattern
-   These type aliases
-   correspond to the return types from :func:`re.compile` and
-   :func:`re.match`.  These types (and the corresponding functions)
-   are generic in ``AnyStr`` and can be made specific by writing
-   ``Pattern[str]``, ``Pattern[bytes]``, ``Match[str]``, or
+   Deprecated aliases corresponding to the return types from
+   :func:`re.compile` and :func:`re.match`.
+   These types (and the corresponding functions) are generic over
+   :data:`AnyStr`. ``Pattern`` can be specialised as ``Pattern[str]`` or
+   ``Pattern[bytes]``; ``Match`` can be specialised as ``Match[str]`` or
    .. deprecated:: 3.9
@@ -2491,7 +2526,9 @@ Other concrete types
 .. class:: Text
-   ``Text`` is an alias for ``str``. It is provided to supply a forward
+   Deprecated alias for :class:`str`.
+   ``Text`` is provided to supply a forward
    compatible path for Python 2 code: in Python 2, ``Text`` is an alias for
@@ -2568,6 +2605,7 @@ Corresponding to collections in :mod:`collections.abc`
 .. class:: Mapping(Collection[KT], Generic[KT, VT_co])
    Deprecated alias to :class:`collections.abc.Mapping`.
    This type can be used as follows::
       def get_position_in_index(word_list: Mapping[str, int], word: str) -> int:
@@ -2919,6 +2957,7 @@ Functions and decorators
    last case can never execute, because ``arg`` is either
    an :class:`int` or a :class:`str`, and both options are covered by
    earlier cases.
    If a type checker finds that a call to ``assert_never()`` is
    reachable, it will emit an error. For example, if the type annotation
    for ``arg`` was instead ``int | str | float``, the type checker would
@@ -2969,11 +3008,14 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. decorator:: dataclass_transform
-   :data:`~typing.dataclass_transform` may be used to
+   Decorator to mark an object as providing
+   :func:`~dataclasses.dataclass`-like behavior.
+   ``dataclass_transform`` may be used to
    decorate a class, metaclass, or a function that is itself a decorator.
    The presence of ``@dataclass_transform()`` tells a static type checker that the
    decorated object performs runtime "magic" that
-   transforms a class, giving it :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`-like behaviors.
+   transforms a class in a similar way to :func:`dataclasses.dataclass`.
    Example usage with a decorator function:
@@ -3074,16 +3116,22 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. decorator:: overload
+   Decorator for creating overloaded functions and methods.
    The ``@overload`` decorator allows describing functions and methods
    that support multiple different combinations of argument types. A series
    of ``@overload``-decorated definitions must be followed by exactly one
    non-``@overload``-decorated definition (for the same function/method).
-   The ``@overload``-decorated definitions are for the benefit of the
+   ``@overload``-decorated definitions are for the benefit of the
    type checker only, since they will be overwritten by the
-   non-``@overload``-decorated definition, while the latter is used at
+   non-``@overload``-decorated definition. The non-``@overload``-decorated
+   definition, meanwhile, will be used at
    runtime but should be ignored by a type checker.  At runtime, calling
-   a ``@overload``-decorated function directly will raise
-   :exc:`NotImplementedError`. An example of overload that gives a more
+   an ``@overload``-decorated function directly will raise
+   :exc:`NotImplementedError`.
+   An example of overload that gives a more
    precise type than can be expressed using a union or a type variable:
    .. testcode::
@@ -3110,7 +3158,9 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. function:: get_overloads(func)
    Return a sequence of :func:`@overload <overload>`-decorated definitions for
-   *func*. *func* is the function object for the implementation of the
+   *func*.
+   *func* is the function object for the implementation of the
    overloaded function. For example, given the definition of ``process`` in
    the documentation for :func:`@overload <overload>`,
    ``get_overloads(process)`` will return a sequence of three function objects
@@ -3125,16 +3175,21 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. function:: clear_overloads()
-   Clear all registered overloads in the internal registry. This can be used
-   to reclaim the memory used by the registry.
+   Clear all registered overloads in the internal registry.
+   This can be used to reclaim the memory used by the registry.
    .. versionadded:: 3.11
 .. decorator:: final
-   A decorator to indicate to type checkers that the decorated method
-   cannot be overridden, and the decorated class cannot be subclassed.
+   Decorator to indicate final methods and final classes.
+   Decorating a method with ``@final`` indicates to a type checker that the
+   method cannot be overridden in a subclass. Decorating a class with ``@final``
+   indicates that it cannot be subclassed.
    For example::
       class Base:
@@ -3157,7 +3212,7 @@ Functions and decorators
    .. versionadded:: 3.8
    .. versionchanged:: 3.11
-      The decorator will now set the ``__final__`` attribute to ``True``
+      The decorator will now attempt to set a ``__final__`` attribute to ``True``
       on the decorated object. Thus, a check like
       ``if getattr(obj, "__final__", False)`` can be used at runtime
       to determine whether an object ``obj`` has been marked as final.
@@ -3169,11 +3224,13 @@ Functions and decorators
    Decorator to indicate that annotations are not type hints.
-   This works as class or function :term:`decorator`.  With a class, it
+   This works as a class or function :term:`decorator`.  With a class, it
    applies recursively to all methods and classes defined in that class
-   (but not to methods defined in its superclasses or subclasses).
+   (but not to methods defined in its superclasses or subclasses). Type
+   checkers will ignore all annotations in a function or class with this
+   decorator.
-   This mutates the function(s) in place.
+   ``@no_type_check`` mutates the decorated object in place.
 .. decorator:: no_type_check_decorator
@@ -3185,8 +3242,11 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. decorator:: override
-   A decorator for methods that indicates to type checkers that this method
-   should override a method or attribute with the same name on a base class.
+   Decorator to indicate that a method in a subclass is intended to override a
+   method or attribute in a superclass.
+   Type checkers should emit an error if a method decorated with ``@override``
+   does not, in fact, override anything.
    This helps prevent bugs that may occur when a base class is changed without
    an equivalent change to a child class.
@@ -3209,7 +3269,7 @@ Functions and decorators
    There is no runtime checking of this property.
-   The decorator will set the ``__override__`` attribute to ``True`` on
+   The decorator will attempt to set an ``__override__`` attribute to ``True`` on
    the decorated object. Thus, a check like
    ``if getattr(obj, "__override__", False)`` can be used at runtime to determine
    whether an object ``obj`` has been marked as an override.  If the decorated object
@@ -3223,7 +3283,7 @@ Functions and decorators
 .. decorator:: type_check_only
-   Decorator to mark a class or function to be unavailable at runtime.
+   Decorator to mark a class or function as unavailable at runtime.
    This decorator is itself not available at runtime. It is mainly
    intended to mark classes that are defined in type stub files if
@@ -3277,6 +3337,7 @@ Introspection helpers
    .. versionchanged:: 3.9
       Added ``include_extras`` parameter as part of :pep:`593`.
+      See the documentation on :data:`Annotated` for more information.
    .. versionchanged:: 3.11
       Previously, ``Optional[t]`` was added for function and method annotations
@@ -3286,11 +3347,14 @@ Introspection helpers
 .. function:: get_origin(tp)
    Get the unsubscripted version of a type: for a typing object of the form
-   ``X[Y, Z, ...]`` return ``X``. If ``X`` is a generic alias for a builtin or
-   :mod:`collections` class, it gets normalized to the original class.
+   ``X[Y, Z, ...]`` return ``X``.
+   If ``X`` is a typing-module alias for a builtin or
+   :mod:`collections` class, it will be normalized to the original class.
    If ``X`` is an instance of :class:`ParamSpecArgs` or :class:`ParamSpecKwargs`,
    return the underlying :class:`ParamSpec`.
    Return ``None`` for unsupported objects.
    .. testcode::
@@ -3308,10 +3372,12 @@ Introspection helpers
    Get type arguments with all substitutions performed: for a typing object
    of the form ``X[Y, Z, ...]`` return ``(Y, Z, ...)``.
    If ``X`` is a union or :class:`Literal` contained in another
    generic type, the order of ``(Y, Z, ...)`` may be different from the order
    of the original arguments ``[Y, Z, ...]`` due to type caching.
    Return ``()`` for unsupported objects.
    .. testcode::
@@ -3345,9 +3411,10 @@ Introspection helpers
 .. class:: ForwardRef
-   A class used for internal typing representation of string forward references.
+   Class used for internal typing representation of string forward references.
    For example, ``List["SomeClass"]`` is implicitly transformed into
-   ``List[ForwardRef("SomeClass")]``.  This class should not be instantiated by
+   ``List[ForwardRef("SomeClass")]``.  ``ForwardRef`` should not be instantiated by
    a user, but may be used by introspection tools.
    .. note::
@@ -3363,7 +3430,9 @@ Constant
 .. data:: TYPE_CHECKING
    A special constant that is assumed to be ``True`` by 3rd party static
-   type checkers. It is ``False`` at runtime. Usage::
+   type checkers. It is ``False`` at runtime.
+   Usage::
       if TYPE_CHECKING:
           import expensive_mod
diff --git a/Lib/typing.py b/Lib/typing.py
index 6f853363e584..a531e7d7abbe 100644
--- a/Lib/typing.py
+++ b/Lib/typing.py
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ def int_or_str(arg: int | str) -> None:
                 case str():
                     print("It's a str")
                 case _:
-                    never_call_me(arg)  # ok, arg is of type Never
+                    never_call_me(arg)  # OK, arg is of type Never
     raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable")
@@ -594,13 +594,13 @@ def LiteralString(self, parameters):
         from typing import LiteralString
-        def run_query(sql: LiteralString) -> ...
+        def run_query(sql: LiteralString) -> None:
         def caller(arbitrary_string: str, literal_string: LiteralString) -> None:
-            run_query("SELECT * FROM students")  # ok
-            run_query(literal_string)  # ok
-            run_query("SELECT * FROM " + literal_string)  # ok
+            run_query("SELECT * FROM students")  # OK
+            run_query(literal_string)  # OK
+            run_query("SELECT * FROM " + literal_string)  # OK
             run_query(arbitrary_string)  # type checker error
             run_query(  # type checker error
                 f"SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = {arbitrary_string}"
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ def assert_type(val, typ, /):
     emits an error if the value is not of the specified type::
         def greet(name: str) -> None:
-            assert_type(name, str)  # ok
+            assert_type(name, str)  # OK
             assert_type(name, int)  # type checker error
     return val
diff --git a/Objects/typevarobject.c b/Objects/typevarobject.c
index 0b7d84c706d9..406a6eb76e3a 100644
--- a/Objects/typevarobject.c
+++ b/Objects/typevarobject.c
@@ -443,23 +443,25 @@ static PyMethodDef typevar_methods[] = {
 "Type variable.\n\
-The preferred way to construct a type variable is via the dedicated syntax\n\
-for generic functions, classes, and type aliases:\n\
+The preferred way to construct a type variable is via the dedicated\n\
+syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases::\n\
     class Sequence[T]:  # T is a TypeVar\n\
 This syntax can also be used to create bound and constrained type\n\
-    class StrSequence[S: str]:  # S is a TypeVar bound to str\n\
+    # S is a TypeVar bound to str\n\
+    class StrSequence[S: str]:\n\
-    class StrOrBytesSequence[A: (str, bytes)]:  # A is a TypeVar constrained to str or bytes\n\
+    # A is a TypeVar constrained to str or bytes\n\
+    class StrOrBytesSequence[A: (str, bytes)]:\n\
 However, if desired, reusable type variables can also be constructed\n\
-manually, like so:\n\
+manually, like so::\n\
    T = TypeVar('T')  # Can be anything\n\
    S = TypeVar('S', bound=str)  # Can be any subtype of str\n\
@@ -469,12 +471,13 @@ Type variables exist primarily for the benefit of static type\n\
 checkers.  They serve as the parameters for generic types as well\n\
 as for generic function and type alias definitions.\n\
-The variance of type variables is inferred by type checkers when they are created\n\
-through the type parameter syntax and when ``infer_variance=True`` is passed.\n\
-Manually created type variables may be explicitly marked covariant or\n\
-contravariant by passing ``covariant=True`` or ``contravariant=True``.\n\
-By default, manually created type variables are invariant. See PEP 484\n\
-and PEP 695 for more details.\n\
+The variance of type variables is inferred by type checkers when they\n\
+are created through the type parameter syntax and when\n\
+``infer_variance=True`` is passed. Manually created type variables may\n\
+be explicitly marked covariant or contravariant by passing\n\
+``covariant=True`` or ``contravariant=True``. By default, manually\n\
+created type variables are invariant. See PEP 484 and PEP 695 for more\n\
 static PyType_Slot typevar_slots[] = {
@@ -616,12 +619,14 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(paramspecargs_doc,
 Given a ParamSpec object P, P.args is an instance of ParamSpecArgs.\n\
-ParamSpecArgs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec:\n\
+ParamSpecArgs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec::\n\
-    P.args.__origin__ is P\n\
+    >>> P = ParamSpec(\"P\")\n\
+    >>> P.args.__origin__ is P\n\
+    True\n\
-This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to\n\
-static type checkers.\n\
+This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning\n\
+to static type checkers.\n\
 static PyType_Slot paramspecargs_slots[] = {
@@ -693,12 +698,14 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(paramspeckwargs_doc,
 Given a ParamSpec object P, P.kwargs is an instance of ParamSpecKwargs.\n\
-ParamSpecKwargs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec:\n\
+ParamSpecKwargs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec::\n\
-    P.kwargs.__origin__ is P\n\
+    >>> P = ParamSpec(\"P\")\n\
+    >>> P.kwargs.__origin__ is P\n\
+    True\n\
-This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to\n\
-static type checkers.\n\
+This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning\n\
+to static type checkers.\n\
 static PyType_Slot paramspeckwargs_slots[] = {
@@ -935,24 +942,26 @@ static PyMethodDef paramspec_methods[] = {
 "Parameter specification variable.\n\
-The preferred way to construct a parameter specification is via the dedicated syntax\n\
-for generic functions, classes, and type aliases, where\n\
-the use of '**' creates a parameter specification:\n\
+The preferred way to construct a parameter specification is via the\n\
+dedicated syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases,\n\
+where the use of '**' creates a parameter specification::\n\
     type IntFunc[**P] = Callable[P, int]\n\
 For compatibility with Python 3.11 and earlier, ParamSpec objects\n\
-can also be created as follows:\n\
+can also be created as follows::\n\
     P = ParamSpec('P')\n\
-Parameter specification variables exist primarily for the benefit of static\n\
-type checkers.  They are used to forward the parameter types of one\n\
-callable to another callable, a pattern commonly found in higher order\n\
-functions and decorators.  They are only valid when used in ``Concatenate``,\n\
-or as the first argument to ``Callable``, or as parameters for user-defined\n\
-Generics.  See class Generic for more information on generic types.  An\n\
-example for annotating a decorator:\n\
+Parameter specification variables exist primarily for the benefit of\n\
+static type checkers.  They are used to forward the parameter types of\n\
+one callable to another callable, a pattern commonly found in\n\
+higher-order functions and decorators.  They are only valid when used\n\
+in ``Concatenate``, or as the first argument to ``Callable``, or as\n\
+parameters for user-defined Generics. See class Generic for more\n\
+information on generic types.\n\
+An example for annotating a decorator::\n\
     def add_logging[**P, T](f: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]:\n\
         '''A type-safe decorator to add logging to a function.'''\n\
@@ -966,12 +975,14 @@ example for annotating a decorator:\n\
         '''Add two numbers together.'''\n\
         return x + y\n\
-Parameter specification variables can be introspected. e.g.:\n\
+Parameter specification variables can be introspected. e.g.::\n\
-    P.__name__ == 'P'\n\
+    >>> P = ParamSpec(\"P\")\n\
+    >>> P.__name__\n\
+    'P'\n\
-Note that only parameter specification variables defined in global scope can\n\
-be pickled.\n\
+Note that only parameter specification variables defined in the global\n\
+scope can be pickled.\n\
 static PyType_Slot paramspec_slots[] = {
@@ -1167,34 +1178,35 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(typevartuple_doc,
 "Type variable tuple. A specialized form of type variable that enables\n\
 variadic generics.\n\
-The preferred way to construct a type variable tuple is via the dedicated syntax\n\
-for generic functions, classes, and type aliases, where a single\n\
-'*' indicates a type variable tuple:\n\
+The preferred way to construct a type variable tuple is via the\n\
+dedicated syntax for generic functions, classes, and type aliases,\n\
+where a single '*' indicates a type variable tuple::\n\
     def move_first_element_to_last[T, *Ts](tup: tuple[T, *Ts]) -> tuple[*Ts, T]:\n\
         return (*tup[1:], tup[0])\n\
 For compatibility with Python 3.11 and earlier, TypeVarTuple objects\n\
-can also be created as follows:\n\
+can also be created as follows::\n\
-  Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')  # Can be given any name\n\
+    Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')  # Can be given any name\n\
 Just as a TypeVar (type variable) is a placeholder for a single type,\n\
 a TypeVarTuple is a placeholder for an *arbitrary* number of types. For\n\
-example, if we define a generic class using a TypeVarTuple:\n\
+example, if we define a generic class using a TypeVarTuple::\n\
-  class C[*Ts]: ...\n\
+    class C[*Ts]: ...\n\
 Then we can parameterize that class with an arbitrary number of type\n\
-  C[int]       # Fine\n\
-  C[int, str]  # Also fine\n\
-  C[()]        # Even this is fine\n\
+    C[int]       # Fine\n\
+    C[int, str]  # Also fine\n\
+    C[()]        # Even this is fine\n\
 For more details, see PEP 646.\n\
-Note that only TypeVarTuples defined in global scope can be pickled.\n\
+Note that only TypeVarTuples defined in the global scope can be\n\
 PyType_Slot typevartuple_slots[] = {
@@ -1436,21 +1448,21 @@ typealias_new_impl(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *name, PyObject *value,
 "Type alias.\n\
-Type aliases are created through the type statement:\n\
+Type aliases are created through the type statement::\n\
-  type Alias = int\n\
+    type Alias = int\n\
 In this example, Alias and int will be treated equivalently by static\n\
 type checkers.\n\
-At runtime, Alias is an instance of TypeAliasType. The __name__ attribute\n\
-holds the name of the type alias. The value of the type\n\
-alias is stored in the __value__ attribute. It is evaluated lazily, so\n\
-the value is computed only if the attribute is accessed.\n\
+At runtime, Alias is an instance of TypeAliasType. The __name__\n\
+attribute holds the name of the type alias. The value of the type alias\n\
+is stored in the __value__ attribute. It is evaluated lazily, so the\n\
+value is computed only if the attribute is accessed.\n\
-Type aliases can also be generic:\n\
+Type aliases can also be generic::\n\
-  type ListOrSet[T] = list[T] | set[T]\n\
+    type ListOrSet[T] = list[T] | set[T]\n\
 In this case, the type parameters of the alias are stored in the\n\
 __type_params__ attribute.\n\
@@ -1502,18 +1514,21 @@ _Py_make_typealias(PyThreadState* unused, PyObject *args)
 "Abstract base class for generic types.\n\
-A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from\n\
-this class parameterized with one or more type variables.\n\
-For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:\n\
+On Python 3.12 and newer, generic classes implicitly inherit from\n\
+Generic when they declare a parameter list after the class's name::\n\
-    class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]):\n\
+    class Mapping[KT, VT]:\n\
         def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT:\n\
         # Etc.\n\
-This class can then be used as follows:\n\
+On older versions of Python, however, generic classes have to\n\
+explicitly inherit from Generic.\n\
+After a class has been declared to be generic, it can then be used as\n\
-    def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n\
+    def lookup_name[KT, VT](mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT:\n\
             return mapping[key]\n\
         except KeyError:\n\
@@ -1523,12 +1538,12 @@ This class can then be used as follows:\n\
 "Parameterizes a generic class.\n\
-At least, parameterizing a generic class is the *main* thing this method\n\
-does. For example, for some generic class `Foo`, this is called when we\n\
-do `Foo[int]` - there, with `cls=Foo` and `params=int`.\n\
+At least, parameterizing a generic class is the *main* thing this\n\
+method does. For example, for some generic class `Foo`, this is called\n\
+when we do `Foo[int]` - there, with `cls=Foo` and `params=int`.\n\
 However, note that this method is also called when defining generic\n\
-classes in the first place with `class Foo(Generic[T]): ...`.\n\
+classes in the first place with `class Foo[T]: ...`.\n\
 static PyObject *

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