[Python-checkins] gh-106531: Remove importlib.resources._legacy (#106532)

jaraco webhook-mailer at python.org
Fri Jul 14 13:38:32 EDT 2023

commit: 243fdcb40ebeb177ce723911c1f7fad8a1fdf6cb
branch: main
author: Jason R. Coombs <jaraco at jaraco.com>
committer: jaraco <jaraco at jaraco.com>
date: 2023-07-14T13:38:28-04:00

gh-106531: Remove importlib.resources._legacy (#106532)

* gh-106531: Remove importlib.resources._legacy

Syncs with importlib_resources 6.0.

* Remove documentation for removed functionality.

A Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-07-07-16-19-59.gh-issue-106531.eMfNm8.rst
D Lib/importlib/resources/_legacy.py
M Doc/library/importlib.resources.rst
M Lib/importlib/resources/__init__.py

diff --git a/Doc/library/importlib.resources.rst b/Doc/library/importlib.resources.rst
index 755693840fecd..76faf73114477 100644
--- a/Doc/library/importlib.resources.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/importlib.resources.rst
@@ -94,159 +94,3 @@ for example, a package and its resources can be imported from a zip file using
     the file system is required.
     .. versionadded:: 3.9
-Deprecated functions
-An older, deprecated set of functions is still available, but is
-scheduled for removal in a future version of Python.
-The main drawback of these functions is that they do not support
-directories: they assume all resources are located directly within a *package*.
-.. data:: Package
-    Whenever a function accepts a ``Package`` argument, you can pass in
-    either a :class:`module object <types.ModuleType>` or a module name
-    as a string.  You can only pass module objects whose
-    ``__spec__.submodule_search_locations`` is not ``None``.
-    The ``Package`` type is defined as ``Union[str, ModuleType]``.
-   .. deprecated:: 3.12
-.. data:: Resource
-    For *resource* arguments of the functions below, you can pass in
-    the name of a resource as a string or
-    a :class:`path-like object <os.PathLike>`.
-    The ``Resource`` type is defined as ``Union[str, os.PathLike]``.
-.. function:: open_binary(package, resource)
-    Open for binary reading the *resource* within *package*.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.  *resource* is the name of the resource to open
-    within *package*; it may not contain path separators and it may not have
-    sub-resources (i.e. it cannot be a directory).  This function returns a
-    ``typing.BinaryIO`` instance, a binary I/O stream open for reading.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          files(package).joinpath(resource).open('rb')
-.. function:: open_text(package, resource, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
-    Open for text reading the *resource* within *package*.  By default, the
-    resource is opened for reading as UTF-8.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.  *resource* is the name of the resource to open
-    within *package*; it may not contain path separators and it may not have
-    sub-resources (i.e. it cannot be a directory).  *encoding* and *errors*
-    have the same meaning as with built-in :func:`open`.
-    This function returns a ``typing.TextIO`` instance, a text I/O stream open
-    for reading.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          files(package).joinpath(resource).open('r', encoding=encoding)
-.. function:: read_binary(package, resource)
-    Read and return the contents of the *resource* within *package* as
-    ``bytes``.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.  *resource* is the name of the resource to open
-    within *package*; it may not contain path separators and it may not have
-    sub-resources (i.e. it cannot be a directory).  This function returns the
-    contents of the resource as :class:`bytes`.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          files(package).joinpath(resource).read_bytes()
-.. function:: read_text(package, resource, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
-    Read and return the contents of *resource* within *package* as a ``str``.
-    By default, the contents are read as strict UTF-8.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.  *resource* is the name of the resource to open
-    within *package*; it may not contain path separators and it may not have
-    sub-resources (i.e. it cannot be a directory).  *encoding* and *errors*
-    have the same meaning as with built-in :func:`open`.  This function
-    returns the contents of the resource as :class:`str`.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          files(package).joinpath(resource).read_text(encoding=encoding)
-.. function:: path(package, resource)
-    Return the path to the *resource* as an actual file system path.  This
-    function returns a context manager for use in a :keyword:`with` statement.
-    The context manager provides a :class:`pathlib.Path` object.
-    Exiting the context manager cleans up any temporary file created when the
-    resource needs to be extracted from e.g. a zip file.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.  *resource* is the name of the resource to open
-    within *package*; it may not contain path separators and it may not have
-    sub-resources (i.e. it cannot be a directory).
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced using :func:`as_file`::
-          as_file(files(package).joinpath(resource))
-.. function:: is_resource(package, name)
-    Return ``True`` if there is a resource named *name* in the package,
-    otherwise ``False``.
-    This function does not consider directories to be resources.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          files(package).joinpath(resource).is_file()
-.. function:: contents(package)
-    Return an iterable over the named items within the package.  The iterable
-    returns :class:`str` resources (e.g. files) and non-resources
-    (e.g. directories).  The iterable does not recurse into subdirectories.
-    *package* is either a name or a module object which conforms to the
-    ``Package`` requirements.
-    .. deprecated:: 3.11
-       Calls to this function can be replaced by::
-          (resource.name for resource in files(package).iterdir() if resource.is_file())
diff --git a/Lib/importlib/resources/__init__.py b/Lib/importlib/resources/__init__.py
index 34e3a9950cc55..e6b60c18caa05 100644
--- a/Lib/importlib/resources/__init__.py
+++ b/Lib/importlib/resources/__init__.py
@@ -6,31 +6,12 @@
-from ._legacy import (
-    contents,
-    open_binary,
-    read_binary,
-    open_text,
-    read_text,
-    is_resource,
-    path,
-    Resource,
 from .abc import ResourceReader
 __all__ = [
-    'Resource',
-    'contents',
-    'is_resource',
-    'open_binary',
-    'open_text',
-    'path',
-    'read_binary',
-    'read_text',
diff --git a/Lib/importlib/resources/_legacy.py b/Lib/importlib/resources/_legacy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b1ea8105dad6e..0000000000000
--- a/Lib/importlib/resources/_legacy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import os
-import pathlib
-import types
-import warnings
-from typing import Union, Iterable, ContextManager, BinaryIO, TextIO, Any
-from . import _common
-Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str]
-Resource = str
-def deprecated(func):
-    @functools.wraps(func)
-    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-        warnings.warn(
-            f"{func.__name__} is deprecated. Use files() instead. "
-            "Refer to https://importlib-resources.readthedocs.io"
-            "/en/latest/using.html#migrating-from-legacy for migration advice.",
-            DeprecationWarning,
-            stacklevel=2,
-        )
-        return func(*args, **kwargs)
-    return wrapper
-def normalize_path(path: Any) -> str:
-    """Normalize a path by ensuring it is a string.
-    If the resulting string contains path separators, an exception is raised.
-    """
-    str_path = str(path)
-    parent, file_name = os.path.split(str_path)
-    if parent:
-        raise ValueError(f'{path!r} must be only a file name')
-    return file_name
- at deprecated
-def open_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> BinaryIO:
-    """Return a file-like object opened for binary reading of the resource."""
-    return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open('rb')
- at deprecated
-def read_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> bytes:
-    """Return the binary contents of the resource."""
-    return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).read_bytes()
- at deprecated
-def open_text(
-    package: Package,
-    resource: Resource,
-    encoding: str = 'utf-8',
-    errors: str = 'strict',
-) -> TextIO:
-    """Return a file-like object opened for text reading of the resource."""
-    return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open(
-        'r', encoding=encoding, errors=errors
-    )
- at deprecated
-def read_text(
-    package: Package,
-    resource: Resource,
-    encoding: str = 'utf-8',
-    errors: str = 'strict',
-) -> str:
-    """Return the decoded string of the resource.
-    The decoding-related arguments have the same semantics as those of
-    bytes.decode().
-    """
-    with open_text(package, resource, encoding, errors) as fp:
-        return fp.read()
- at deprecated
-def contents(package: Package) -> Iterable[str]:
-    """Return an iterable of entries in `package`.
-    Note that not all entries are resources.  Specifically, directories are
-    not considered resources.  Use `is_resource()` on each entry returned here
-    to check if it is a resource or not.
-    """
-    return [path.name for path in _common.files(package).iterdir()]
- at deprecated
-def is_resource(package: Package, name: str) -> bool:
-    """True if `name` is a resource inside `package`.
-    Directories are *not* resources.
-    """
-    resource = normalize_path(name)
-    return any(
-        traversable.name == resource and traversable.is_file()
-        for traversable in _common.files(package).iterdir()
-    )
- at deprecated
-def path(
-    package: Package,
-    resource: Resource,
-) -> ContextManager[pathlib.Path]:
-    """A context manager providing a file path object to the resource.
-    If the resource does not already exist on its own on the file system,
-    a temporary file will be created. If the file was created, the file
-    will be deleted upon exiting the context manager (no exception is
-    raised if the file was deleted prior to the context manager
-    exiting).
-    """
-    return _common.as_file(_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource))
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-07-07-16-19-59.gh-issue-106531.eMfNm8.rst b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-07-07-16-19-59.gh-issue-106531.eMfNm8.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a52107103c457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Misc/NEWS.d/next/Library/2023-07-07-16-19-59.gh-issue-106531.eMfNm8.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Removed ``_legacy`` and the names it provided from ``importlib.resources``:
+``Resource``, ``contents``, ``is_resource``, ``open_binary``, ``open_text``,
+``path``, ``read_binary``, and ``read_text``.

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