[Python-checkins] gh-100925: Move array methods under class in array doc (GH-101485)

miss-islington webhook-mailer at python.org
Thu Feb 2 19:12:16 EST 2023

commit: bfac5d9850790c4b4fc125f8087be78f5c5ceb14
branch: 3.11
author: Miss Islington (bot) <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
committer: miss-islington <31488909+miss-islington at users.noreply.github.com>
date: 2023-02-02T16:12:09-08:00

gh-100925: Move array methods under class in array doc (GH-101485)

* Move array methods under class in array doc

* Fix a few internal references related to the touched lines
(cherry picked from commit 1b6045668d233269f667c4658c7240256f37f111)

Co-authored-by: C.A.M. Gerlach <CAM.Gerlach at Gerlach.CAM>

M Doc/library/array.rst

diff --git a/Doc/library/array.rst b/Doc/library/array.rst
index 95f1eaf401b0..75c49e0f6d1e 100644
--- a/Doc/library/array.rst
+++ b/Doc/library/array.rst
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Notes:
 The actual representation of values is determined by the machine architecture
 (strictly speaking, by the C implementation).  The actual size can be accessed
-through the :attr:`itemsize` attribute.
+through the :attr:`array.itemsize` attribute.
 The module defines the following item:
@@ -85,161 +85,160 @@ The module defines the following type:
    to add initial items to the array.  Otherwise, the iterable initializer is
    passed to the :meth:`extend` method.
-   .. audit-event:: array.__new__ typecode,initializer array.array
+   Array objects support the ordinary sequence operations of indexing, slicing,
+   concatenation, and multiplication.  When using slice assignment, the assigned
+   value must be an array object with the same type code; in all other cases,
+   :exc:`TypeError` is raised. Array objects also implement the buffer interface,
+   and may be used wherever :term:`bytes-like objects <bytes-like object>` are supported.
+   .. audit-event:: array.__new__ typecode,initializer array.array
-Array objects support the ordinary sequence operations of indexing, slicing,
-concatenation, and multiplication.  When using slice assignment, the assigned
-value must be an array object with the same type code; in all other cases,
-:exc:`TypeError` is raised. Array objects also implement the buffer interface,
-and may be used wherever :term:`bytes-like objects <bytes-like object>` are supported.
-The following data items and methods are also supported:
+   .. attribute:: typecode
-.. attribute:: array.typecode
+      The typecode character used to create the array.
-   The typecode character used to create the array.
+   .. attribute:: itemsize
-.. attribute:: array.itemsize
+      The length in bytes of one array item in the internal representation.
-   The length in bytes of one array item in the internal representation.
+   .. method:: append(x)
-.. method:: array.append(x)
+      Append a new item with value *x* to the end of the array.
-   Append a new item with value *x* to the end of the array.
+   .. method:: buffer_info()
-.. method:: array.buffer_info()
+      Return a tuple ``(address, length)`` giving the current memory address and the
+      length in elements of the buffer used to hold array's contents.  The size of the
+      memory buffer in bytes can be computed as ``array.buffer_info()[1] *
+      array.itemsize``.  This is occasionally useful when working with low-level (and
+      inherently unsafe) I/O interfaces that require memory addresses, such as certain
+      :c:func:`!ioctl` operations.  The returned numbers are valid as long as the array
+      exists and no length-changing operations are applied to it.
-   Return a tuple ``(address, length)`` giving the current memory address and the
-   length in elements of the buffer used to hold array's contents.  The size of the
-   memory buffer in bytes can be computed as ``array.buffer_info()[1] *
-   array.itemsize``.  This is occasionally useful when working with low-level (and
-   inherently unsafe) I/O interfaces that require memory addresses, such as certain
-   :c:func:`ioctl` operations.  The returned numbers are valid as long as the array
-   exists and no length-changing operations are applied to it.
+      .. note::
-   .. note::
+         When using array objects from code written in C or C++ (the only way to
+         effectively make use of this information), it makes more sense to use the buffer
+         interface supported by array objects.  This method is maintained for backward
+         compatibility and should be avoided in new code.  The buffer interface is
+         documented in :ref:`bufferobjects`.
-      When using array objects from code written in C or C++ (the only way to
-      effectively make use of this information), it makes more sense to use the buffer
-      interface supported by array objects.  This method is maintained for backward
-      compatibility and should be avoided in new code.  The buffer interface is
-      documented in :ref:`bufferobjects`.
+   .. method:: byteswap()
-.. method:: array.byteswap()
+      "Byteswap" all items of the array.  This is only supported for values which are
+      1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size; for other types of values, :exc:`RuntimeError` is
+      raised.  It is useful when reading data from a file written on a machine with a
+      different byte order.
-   "Byteswap" all items of the array.  This is only supported for values which are
-   1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size; for other types of values, :exc:`RuntimeError` is
-   raised.  It is useful when reading data from a file written on a machine with a
-   different byte order.
+   .. method:: count(x)
-.. method:: array.count(x)
+      Return the number of occurrences of *x* in the array.
-   Return the number of occurrences of *x* in the array.
+   .. method:: extend(iterable)
-.. method:: array.extend(iterable)
+      Append items from *iterable* to the end of the array.  If *iterable* is another
+      array, it must have *exactly* the same type code; if not, :exc:`TypeError` will
+      be raised.  If *iterable* is not an array, it must be iterable and its elements
+      must be the right type to be appended to the array.
-   Append items from *iterable* to the end of the array.  If *iterable* is another
-   array, it must have *exactly* the same type code; if not, :exc:`TypeError` will
-   be raised.  If *iterable* is not an array, it must be iterable and its elements
-   must be the right type to be appended to the array.
+   .. method:: frombytes(s)
-.. method:: array.frombytes(s)
+      Appends items from the string, interpreting the string as an array of machine
+      values (as if it had been read from a file using the :meth:`fromfile` method).
-   Appends items from the string, interpreting the string as an array of machine
-   values (as if it had been read from a file using the :meth:`fromfile` method).
+      .. versionadded:: 3.2
+         :meth:`!fromstring` is renamed to :meth:`frombytes` for clarity.
-   .. versionadded:: 3.2
-      :meth:`fromstring` is renamed to :meth:`frombytes` for clarity.
+   .. method:: fromfile(f, n)
-.. method:: array.fromfile(f, n)
+      Read *n* items (as machine values) from the :term:`file object` *f* and append
+      them to the end of the array.  If less than *n* items are available,
+      :exc:`EOFError` is raised, but the items that were available are still
+      inserted into the array.
-   Read *n* items (as machine values) from the :term:`file object` *f* and append
-   them to the end of the array.  If less than *n* items are available,
-   :exc:`EOFError` is raised, but the items that were available are still
-   inserted into the array.
+   .. method:: fromlist(list)
-.. method:: array.fromlist(list)
+      Append items from the list.  This is equivalent to ``for x in list:
+      a.append(x)`` except that if there is a type error, the array is unchanged.
-   Append items from the list.  This is equivalent to ``for x in list:
-   a.append(x)`` except that if there is a type error, the array is unchanged.
+   .. method:: fromunicode(s)
-.. method:: array.fromunicode(s)
+      Extends this array with data from the given unicode string.  The array must
+      be a type ``'u'`` array; otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.  Use
+      ``array.frombytes(unicodestring.encode(enc))`` to append Unicode data to an
+      array of some other type.
-   Extends this array with data from the given unicode string.  The array must
-   be a type ``'u'`` array; otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised.  Use
-   ``array.frombytes(unicodestring.encode(enc))`` to append Unicode data to an
-   array of some other type.
+   .. method:: index(x[, start[, stop]])
-.. method:: array.index(x[, start[, stop]])
+      Return the smallest *i* such that *i* is the index of the first occurrence of
+      *x* in the array.  The optional arguments *start* and *stop* can be
+      specified to search for *x* within a subsection of the array.  Raise
+      :exc:`ValueError` if *x* is not found.
-   Return the smallest *i* such that *i* is the index of the first occurrence of
-   *x* in the array.  The optional arguments *start* and *stop* can be
-   specified to search for *x* within a subsection of the array.  Raise
-   :exc:`ValueError` if *x* is not found.
+      .. versionchanged:: 3.10
+         Added optional *start* and *stop* parameters.
-   .. versionchanged:: 3.10
-      Added optional *start* and *stop* parameters.
-.. method:: array.insert(i, x)
+   .. method:: insert(i, x)
-   Insert a new item with value *x* in the array before position *i*. Negative
-   values are treated as being relative to the end of the array.
+      Insert a new item with value *x* in the array before position *i*. Negative
+      values are treated as being relative to the end of the array.
-.. method:: array.pop([i])
+   .. method:: pop([i])
-   Removes the item with the index *i* from the array and returns it. The optional
-   argument defaults to ``-1``, so that by default the last item is removed and
-   returned.
+      Removes the item with the index *i* from the array and returns it. The optional
+      argument defaults to ``-1``, so that by default the last item is removed and
+      returned.
-.. method:: array.remove(x)
+   .. method:: remove(x)
-   Remove the first occurrence of *x* from the array.
+      Remove the first occurrence of *x* from the array.
-.. method:: array.reverse()
+   .. method:: reverse()
-   Reverse the order of the items in the array.
+      Reverse the order of the items in the array.
-.. method:: array.tobytes()
+   .. method:: tobytes()
-   Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the bytes
-   representation (the same sequence of bytes that would be written to a file by
-   the :meth:`tofile` method.)
+      Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the bytes
+      representation (the same sequence of bytes that would be written to a file by
+      the :meth:`tofile` method.)
-   .. versionadded:: 3.2
-      :meth:`tostring` is renamed to :meth:`tobytes` for clarity.
+      .. versionadded:: 3.2
+         :meth:`!tostring` is renamed to :meth:`tobytes` for clarity.
-.. method:: array.tofile(f)
+   .. method:: tofile(f)
-   Write all items (as machine values) to the :term:`file object` *f*.
+      Write all items (as machine values) to the :term:`file object` *f*.
-.. method:: array.tolist()
+   .. method:: tolist()
-   Convert the array to an ordinary list with the same items.
+      Convert the array to an ordinary list with the same items.
-.. method:: array.tounicode()
+   .. method:: tounicode()
-   Convert the array to a unicode string.  The array must be a type ``'u'`` array;
-   otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised. Use ``array.tobytes().decode(enc)`` to
-   obtain a unicode string from an array of some other type.
+      Convert the array to a unicode string.  The array must be a type ``'u'`` array;
+      otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` is raised. Use ``array.tobytes().decode(enc)`` to
+      obtain a unicode string from an array of some other type.
 When an array object is printed or converted to a string, it is represented as

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